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  1. OGbobbyjohnsson

    1st grow. Any idea how long left before harvest?

    bro what are you feeding them thats some amazing fat budds good job
  2. OGbobbyjohnsson

    is it true ??

    Hi guys iv read that the best time to start flushing autoflowers is when the leaves are starting to get brown and fall off is this true or is there any better ways plus what are you guys feeding your plants to get fat buds bless:peace:
  3. OGbobbyjohnsson

    Is it ready ??

    Haha sorry cant take a better pikture of the trichomes but Nice to hear that they look good. Just a lite smaler then i expected
  4. OGbobbyjohnsson

    Is it ready ??

    Oooh so thats why nobody commented hahaha im in soil.I read that some peaple wait until the leefs start to get Brown then starta flushing is that a Good method to use ??
  5. OGbobbyjohnsson

    Is it ready ???

    Hi guys this is my bubblegum auto flower im a first time growers so i need a bit of help haha My question is, is she ready fore flushing
  6. OGbobbyjohnsson

    Is it ready ??

    Hi guys this is my bubblegum auto flower im a first time growers so i need a bit of help haha My question is, is she ready fore flushing
  7. OGbobbyjohnsson


    Ok thanks fore the help everybody i would dry it outside of the tent but the smell is a big problem haha worst case scenatio il craft somthing inside of the tent bless:peace:
  8. OGbobbyjohnsson


    Hello everyone when i started my first grow i used 2 different strains but now i notice that one of the strains is blomning mutch faster then the other so what hapens if i let it bloom like 1 to 2 weeks longer than it should so the other plant han keep up with the grow so i then can cut and dry...
  9. OGbobbyjohnsson


    Ok bro bless :peace: @Clumpyoyster
  10. OGbobbyjohnsson


    In what week are they going to start to putt up some real waight?
  11. OGbobbyjohnsson


    Ooh ok thats a relief thanks fore the help im a first time grower @Clumpyoyster @buyyouabeer
  12. OGbobbyjohnsson


  13. OGbobbyjohnsson


    Il send som pics in about 2-3 hours they are sleeping at the moment haha
  14. OGbobbyjohnsson


    Hi growers i switched my light to 12/12 2 Days ago as the girls keep growing iv noticed the new leefs having a light green collour in the middle and its geting darker near the tipps what can this be, somthing i need to worie about??
  15. OGbobbyjohnsson

    Bubblegum auto

    Ok bro thanks fore help
  16. OGbobbyjohnsson

    A little help please

    I would try a New one but im allso New to growing but 2 weeks sounds like a little bit toooo long
  17. OGbobbyjohnsson

    Bubblegum auto

  18. OGbobbyjohnsson

    Bubblegum auto

    Hello growers i got a bubblegum auto in its 5th week started flowering about a week ago its very happy.My question here is should i do any defoliation or not Touch it and just lett it do its thing first time growing
  19. OGbobbyjohnsson

    What light do i need

    Bro your a blessing :clap: Thank you
  20. OGbobbyjohnsson

    What light do i need

    5 weeks in to veg swiching to 12/12 this week