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  1. Mazer

    To crop or not to crop...

    mamamia! my stash is looooooooow! two weeks plus drying and curring :( my summer is ruined ;) One(more) thing I learned on this thread is DO NOT try to read the pistils exudates. Focus on the calyx! Calyxingly yours, M
  2. Mazer

    To crop or not to crop...

    Thanks for your reply BPE! how do YOU decide when to chop?
  3. Mazer

    To crop or not to crop...

    Dear Gentlefolks, I am finishing up my first grow ROLS style. The entire grow has been peaches and cream so far. I grew 4 regular sensiseed super skunk (drive down memory lane) and all were female, not a single unwanted living organism that I could spot (besides some kinda funky virus but no...
  4. Mazer

    Pretty (scary) Aucuba looking discolored leaves

    Well Tangerine, it is Super Skunk from sensi seed bank someone brought me from Amsterdam :) out of the 10 beans I popped half of them sprouted and they were all ladies! It also was HELLLLL to clone. but my DIY cloner might be the problem as I use a fogger (high heat) that has a little red led on...
  5. Mazer

    Pretty (scary) Aucuba looking discolored leaves

    Thanks for the heads up Greg! It did come with no heavy metals and the like. At least so says the label... but it come from a somewhat reputable organic supply store. HeavyMetalFreely yours, M
  6. Mazer

    Pretty (scary) Aucuba looking discolored leaves

    thanks for your input XS. I will look for a soil tester... tomorrow...or noo no, right now! I am on page 50/406 of Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread, but will take a break to find a company that can test my soil. Thankfully yours, M
  7. Mazer

    Pretty (scary) Aucuba looking discolored leaves

    Xs, I should indeed get the soil tested. my recipe was based upon previous gardening experiences. mind you they were neither Rols nor No till. They were much more simple and designed for veggie gardens but worked wonders. The ratios come from a scale I used to keep track of what I am doing, and...
  8. Mazer

    Pretty (scary) Aucuba looking discolored leaves

    Thanks Cann One of my favorite albums of all times! I will pay more attention to pH. I gotta calibrate one of the pHmeters and make a soil solution. pffff. I wanted soooooo bad to stay away from this. Anyhow, this is one of the variegated plant's clone pictures. NOT GOOD! Yet it is growing ok...
  9. Mazer

    Pretty (scary) Aucuba looking discolored leaves

    It is a custom made soil. 30% volcanic red porous volcanic stone I got for free. I am not sure but I think it is called pouzzolan. I used it before for other plants and it is fantastic at aerating and holding nutrients 30% sphagnum 15% organic potting soil 7% river sediment ok with organic...
  10. Mazer

    Pretty (scary) Aucuba looking discolored leaves

    Cannn, I never bothered to pH. I have several old school super skunk growing and only one seems affected. Having said this, it seems to be spreading to the cuttings. Yet, just 2 out of many. I have 2 or 3 but never have the buffer solution to calibrate the devices... I am growing in soil so I...
  11. Mazer

    Is it possible to have an indoor Perpetual no Till?

    Thanks for confirming Kratos! I will try this SOON! NoTillingly yours, M
  12. Mazer

    Is it possible to have an indoor Perpetual no Till?

    Dear GentleFolks, I would love to convert my tiny grow that was gonna be a ROLS into a perpetual no till. I have two 2'x2' tents. One for vegging & one for flowering (4plants at a time). Do you think I can have a tent with small vegging plants in say 3 gallons pots and send them to the...
  13. Mazer

    Pretty (scary) Aucuba looking discolored leaves

    Dear GentleFolks, I am growing indoors I water when the top inch of soil seems dry. I always add something to the water, Molasses, WCT, SST, AACT. I use custom made LED full spectrum light (ie not pink light). The medium is organic homemade soil (might be a tad bit acidic). The girls are on...
  14. Mazer

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Dear Rrog, Dear Gentlefolks, I just started reading this thread. I am on page 10/406 but by Jah I will read all posts(within the next decade). on my first run since 1994... Having a horticultural background I designed my own soil. I work like a mad man on my micro herd, brewing all sorts of...
  15. Mazer

    Micro Herd Nerds

    Calliandra, you are a poet! and a tripy one at that! I am having visions that I need to fuel up of Lava sprouting into bocking14. my warmest regards to your writing 201 professor ;)
  16. Mazer

    Lazy-fying immune system?

    True, and agreed. YET, would you not love a say PM resistant strain? or one that fends off spider mites? would you not be willing to give up a bit of the THC for some non GMO strong cultivar? I am clearly only fantasizing right now, but soon, when the plant is more freely cultivated worldwide, I...
  17. Mazer

    Lazy-fying immune system?

    Dear Gentlefolks, I have recently started to verse in organic grows. Hardcore style with no (or as little as possible) animal by-products added directly. I started reading Teaming with Microbes (amazing read). And it got me wondering. By trying to emulate Mother Nature's cohorts and using...
  18. Mazer

    Multiple plant stage specific worm bins?

    Dear Calliandra, you make sooooooo much sense! I had no idea about the root exudates you mentioned! A whole new topic of research for me :)))) Truly enlightening post! So to sum it up and PLEASE do correct me if I am wrong. -With the soil mix we bring a tad bit of plant food but lots of food...
  19. Mazer

    Multiple plant stage specific worm bins?

    Hello Calliandra, I gotta say it make sense and I agree with you. So you are suggesting that I keep my fingers crossed so all the necessary nutrients are present in the Living Soil? I am new to this but I learn quick and speak fluently Plant. I just got to enhance my skills MMJ dialect. A good...
  20. Mazer

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Greetings Gentlefolks! I have to start by saying I feel like I just read War and Peace in one go! I read all 64 pages of absolutely delightful info you have spread. Wonderful really. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I started a worm bin last November or so when I was given an entire level of...