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  1. M

    What did you accomplish today?

    Oh man it's just not your week is it, I hope things turn around for you and your family soon.
  2. M

    Good Songs by Non-famous Bands

  3. M

    Climate controlled grow fridge

    Very nice. You're quite the craftsman.. Need me one of those co2 monitor thingymabobs.
  4. M

    What did you accomplish today?

    Nice, I searched up what it was after your first pic of it 'cos it looked so good, gonna have to have a go at making it sometime soon.. We actually have a somewhat similar but much more basic meat and vegetable broth in my country that we simply call "boil up" lol we love the stuff..
  5. M

    What did you accomplish today?

    Damn man that looks so good.. what's in there, looked like 3 kinds of habs and some jalapeno's? (sorry dunno how to do the squiggly line)... Hey bro I just started reading your journal and saw you lost your son last year and it's coming up to that time again. I'm so sorry for your loss man I'm...
  6. M

    Any idea what this is?

    Yeah but the way I see it is if I'm putting in 6.5 and getting out 5 and it looks like I've got a mag deficiency I'm gonna flush that shit until it's around 6 then give a balanced feed with extra calmag. That's just how I'd do it I'm no expert..
  7. M

    Any idea what this is?

    mag. deficiency.. Check pH then give it some calmag or epsom salts
  8. M

    What did you accomplish today?

    Made some dinner.. Would've been nice if I didn't completely :hump: the eggs. Was still better than last night's noodles.. ..the ice cream beat both. Choc chip cookie dough.. ...and some nice after dinner mints.. a mix of bubba kush, blue kush, deep cheese, sapphire OG, and some...
  9. M

    Yellow leaves..

    lol here I was thinking you meant your weed plant came up out of the soil last night.. Never mind..:eyesmoke:
  10. M

    Yellow leaves..

    At first I thought they just needed light because it sounded like they hadn't seen any yet but you say they're droopy so it could be your soil has too much nutrients in it and has burnt them straight off the bat..
  11. M

    Thermal adhesive tape

    This dude pry's one off with a screwdriver in this video.. it didn't seem to mind.. You can also see just how robust they are by the way he just sits his driver on them and gives zero fucks about swarf from his drill going all over the diodes either lol.. still works though.
  12. M

    Good Songs by Non-famous Bands

  13. M

    What Are You Listening To?

  14. M

    LSD25 Seedling slow growth Help :@

    Sounds like you're the one taking things too seriously here. :peace:
  15. M

    LSD25 Seedling slow growth Help :@

    Oh mate we're fully serious here no playing around all business 100%:-|faces only
  16. M

    LSD25 Seedling slow growth Help :@

    I don't think that's a very funny thing. You shouldn't expect to be growing like an expert on your first grow. People get faster growth because of a whole range of things. You will learn those things over the coming years as you gain experience. I think your dream is telling you that you care...
  17. M

    LSD25 Seedling slow growth Help :@

    That's not 3 nodes, but it's also doing fine. Just a tip though, don't start multiple threads consecutively, asking the same basic question that you can answer yourself by doing more research. You won't get much respect doing that.
  18. M

    How to control odour in balcony grow

    Not too sure maybe it will be bad so I thought if you add a bunch of coffee grounds to the mix it might help it stay neutral. It really depends how much it will raise alkalinity, sorry I don't can't really tell how much it will do that. I would imagine if you only used a couple of tablespoons...
  19. M

    First grow first post, looking for good vibe comments and advice, it’s a experimenting grow✌️( the first but no the last, in the learning process)

    Hey buddy you're doing great and don't worry about what people say about the light, just do the best with what you have and keep learning as much as you can by experimenting and observing, just like you are now. More people should learn the way you do and just try all the different techniques to...