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  1. Frank Nitty

    HLG 650 R grow

    Damn right!!!
  2. Frank Nitty

    Night Owl Mango Isle.

    It's all good brother!!! Lesson learned!!! You'll be happier when you can smoke her!!!
  3. Frank Nitty

    What if

    It only takes one crazy question to spark some real educational information about places that we've never been!!! I thank me for asking!!!
  4. Frank Nitty

    What if

    I'm in NE Ohio and I'm probably getting the same weather as you upstate cats
  5. Frank Nitty

    Night Owl Mango Isle.

    I love fat girls!!! But only if she smokes good, hahaha!!! Daaaaaaaaammmmm!!!
  6. Frank Nitty

    Blackbird is the word...

    I almost forgot about this thread because I've been posting on Grow With Your Bro, so I put the pictures in order to show the progression so far...
  7. Frank Nitty

    What if

    I don't think I would ever get used to rain all the time that far north!!! Sounds like rain and snow are the only things you get every year, and that sucks!!!
  8. Frank Nitty

    What if

    Been there, done that... It's easier to get an answer over here than there... But I should keep my weed influenced questions to myself because now those that think that I can't grow have more ammo to shoot with!!! Hahaha!!!
  9. Frank Nitty

    What if

    This is why I don't grow outdoors
  10. Frank Nitty

    What if

    Photos are weird for the re veg thing... I won't be experimenting with this, was just a question a high mind was asking oneself...
  11. Frank Nitty

    What if

    What would happen if I ran photos with more than twelve hours of light during flower??? Would the extra light time cause them to hermie??? Just curious and I don't think that I have ever seen a thread about this here...
  12. Frank Nitty

    Blackbird is the word...

    It's only one plant
  13. Frank Nitty

    Bigger tight buds

    But that's just MY opinion