Search results

  1. G

    Maintaining a soil pH of 6.5

    Thanks for pigeonholing humanity. I find a very specific phenotype of pot grower constantly evaluating the knowledge of others, the least knowledgeable. There nothing wrong with anaerobic microbes. If the fungus lose air, you'll get ammonia and aldehydes. Until they get air. Microbes aren't...
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    Guarantee Cannabis can take up monosaccharides to varying degrees depending on genetics. It can also uptake lactic acid, which comprises 6% of cane molasses.
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    I used to use molasses. One harvest, I had a single plant that was sticky as hell, but not in a "dank weed" way. Like it has been dipped in something. It smelled exactly like demerera sugar and motel a/c vent (toxic fungus) in a bad way. I couldn't identify the genetics until squeezing the bud...
  4. G

    PSA - keep your power cords raised, not touching your Kingbright

    Um.. I tested this theory long ago because I was afraid the nylon ropes would melt at 100%. Total BS But youuuuu just made me climb a ladder and check anyway. Troll succeeded. No fucking melted plastic,of course not. Got me!
  5. G

    Oldest weed you’ve smoked?

    Smoked 15 year old weed. High was noticeable, and very short. Some say hash can keep that long. I wonder why separating it from the plant would make a difference..? I'm curious how the ph of the resin changes over time. What's the perfect ph for hash anyway?
  6. G

    Overpriced, low quality dispensary bud

    Dispos in Az feed shit like Advanced Nutes full super duper weed lineup in fruity frog super silly weed soil etc and the bud all tastes horrible, makes you sick. I don't know how they stay in business, getting their consulting from the fucking hydro store in Az. Florida can't be that bad. The...
  7. G

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    "What's the difference?" —All the weed experts in California
  8. G

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    Add a heap of lime and see? I used to think flavor was a forbidden topic. But listening to that podcast amongst it's clear that breeding Cannabis is a low effort scene. Guy was confused about sulfur/thiols. But has an opinion on skunk? Nope. Come back when you mix your own soil at least...
  9. G

    Can plants drink water, but not nutrients

    Nothing stops cannabis from uptaking large amounts of calcium and copper with the transpiration stream, other than mineral antagonism, or stopping transpiration. Potassium availability largely controls stomata. A deficiency can leave stomata valves stuck open This is corn, Cannabis uptakes...
  10. G

    Unexplained Mild Potassium Deficiency after the flip

    Unexplained? Cannabis struggles to uptake potassium because it hyperaccumulates calcium carbonate in its tissue. Which neutralizes carboxylic acids in the plant, and creates calcium crystals and soaps, oxidizes aldehydes into phenols aka the dispo flavor. This is what you smoke if you buy...
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    No idea what’s going on

    Boron-potassium deficiency. Caused by excess calcium carbonate or under watering.
  12. G

    Is my plant dying

    New growth is green. The entire rest of the plants are blue. Too much Cal-nit-mag, not enough Phos-bor-pot.
  13. G

    Drying up leaves at the bottom of the plant

    Proof bugs only eat nutrient deficient tissue. Basic potassium deficiency, with bugs munching the effected tissue before it goes necrotic
  14. G

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    That's why people want Skunk strains. They produce the precursor in large amounts, and provide the mechanisms to release it in large amount after harvest. And glutathione will hold on to those precursors. Traditional Cannabis works like an arm pit. The more precursors, the more it stinks when...
  15. G

    Trim at harvest or after drying?

    "Trimming scissors " is one of many inside jokes in Cannabis. It's like getting an axle stretcher at an auto shop. Or making the new guy retrieve paint thinner in a styrofoam cup. Or growing "organics" to save money and get better quality. It's a joke. A sick prank. Busy work. Sabotage of...
  16. G

    Help ASAP! Forth week of flower severe yellowing

    You have potassium deficiency. The number one antagonist of potassium in Cannabis is Calcium. Don't listen to anyone who diagnoses "ph". Never in my 30+ years have I said "yup, it's the ph" It doesn't even make sense. A bunch of kids with calcium toxic plants playing armchair nutrient...
  17. G

    Are these spots a problem?

    Calcium burn/lime injury/bor-pot deficiency.
  18. G

    What is the secret?

    Frost means nothing,really. The best herb is not frosty. It could be, theoretically, but it hasn't panned out in reality so far. But to grow resinous buds, grow your cannabis like it's an oil seed crop, not like it's a fiber crop. Lots of sulfur, lots of potassium. Cannabis hates calcium and...
  19. G

    Thc and Total THC, what does the THC level tell us about the effect

    Terpenes are the next thc. Nothing but detrimental marketing. The numbers mean nothing, because the heaviest volatiles are the weakest and least desirable. Quality Cannabis gets its aroma from thiols and carboxylic acids that weigh practically nothing. While low grade cannabis can have heavy...
  20. G

    A gram will be sent for testing.

    16 dollars a lb, no wholesale account required. I can't wait until people get over the yield aspect of growing, and the looks/branding = value aspect of purchasing, and focus on quality again. Cheap weed is gonna do it, if nothing else can separate the mershabillies from the craft...