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  1. X


    Baby got new shoes tonight. covered the hole with rootwise and dropper her in. I threw a pretty thick layer of bus, decent layer of ewc, then through some craft blend, and finally of course the kashi blend. Gave the bin a few sprays of mist just to moisten the ewc. Covered her up then did a...
  2. X


    No apologies needed, your insight has been instrumental in giving me the confidence to try this method!
  3. X


    I went cyber stalker status, found hyroot on the gram and sent a message thinking no way would he answer some random newb on the gram and not only did he answer but put thought and effort in to the reply. Huge thank you to both you @CrunchBerries and Hyroot. She might get to check out her new...
  4. X


    I will have 3 nodes tomorrow and already have roots coming out the bottom of a half gallon. Is she ready to show me what greens method can do or do I need to wait another week? Feminized beans so I am not worried about seeing sex
  5. X

    multi tent room air exchange

    anyone have any thoughts on keeping it sealed minus the shaker and just running the room at say 800-900ppm of co2? Looking at fans and filters or a co2 burner and controller i seem to be around the same price
  6. X

    multi tent room air exchange

    if I just exhausted each tent outside, and didnt have the intake, would I be starving them of co2? or do you think me entering the room each day would be enough of an exchange?
  7. X

    multi tent room air exchange

    I looked back and the shaker is actually a 24,000 unit but I agree, I am not positive it will cut it. I do think i like the idea of the 12 inch in and 12 inch out to minimize equipment in each tent. are you running the 12 inch constant, on a timer, or tied to a controller?
  8. X

    multi tent room air exchange

    Meijiu F8 Max are the lights, i will probably keep the drivers on top. Thank you again for the feedback
  9. X

    multi tent room air exchange

    Thank you for the input! Do you think a 24,000 btu would cut it? I am thinking I will be under 200 watts max at any given moment. I was also pontificating about it and if i do the 12 inch, would i run those on timers to exchange a few times a day or run them constant? If constant i dont know...
  10. X

    multi tent room air exchange

    Midwestern us grow room(-30 to 105F) outside temps space is 13x19x9 18,000btu window ac 110btu furnace heats, garage, this room, and room next to it 164 pint dehumidifier 5 4x4 tents 1 2x3 tent-seedlings/early veg 1 3x3 drying sip/soil grows 650 led lights in 4x4s, not sure on seedling light...
  11. X


    Interesting, thank you for the insight. I should be uplanting my girl around the end of this week:cool:
  12. X

    Soil question

    soil recomendations will stretch from build a soil to make your own. many used to do the fox farm dance but seem to be dropping on quality. for bugs you need to impliment a complete ipm plan. Plant count will depend on limits, goals, strains, etc. If no plant count limit s.o.g. is the way to go...
  13. X

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    She is still standing this morning:hump:
  14. X

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    removed the bag covering the soil, drained the water in the tray, and tried scraping some soil from the edges. I am not sure she will make it through the night. This was a test for me so I am not entirely surprised. I will do the next seedling with normal top watering until she is stable enough...
  15. X

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Not a bad thought, trying to avoid disturbing the mycellium i have going on in the bin
  16. X


    well she topple on me today, i just propper her up with a straw to buy sometime. put a post in the sip thread about burrying her down a bit with bus and ewc
  17. X

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    I am going to ask this one here and see what everyone thinks. I am doing a new grow with a new light and let my seedling get a little too tall(was afraid of having the new light too close) well it toppled on me today so I quickly threw the straw around the base to stand her up but my question is...
  18. X


    When adding the layer of compost and kashi, are there any issues with it touching the bottom of the stalk? I decided to give the page 2 sip a try for a seedling but was also using a new light and was afraid of overpowering it and she stretched a little. I was just going to burry her down a bit...
  19. X

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Thank you, hopefully within the next year I will have a few more tents and have been trying to figure out how I am going to manage the environmental side of it