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  1. Django66

    Political Satire

    Let me be clear = I know better than you Transparency = cover up To keep you safe = control you We come in peace = you better run or kill me where I stand. Inclusion = racism diversity = racism Abortion = an issue used to divide us. Gun Control = see to keep you safe. Also used to divide us...
  2. Django66

    Lesser Known Guitar Gods

    And he looks like he's having so much fun doing it.
  3. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    Conclusion for now, if you know how to use them, they work great. I've seen some crappy looking plants that "turned out awesome" and some that really did look nice. That's true with or without the auto pots. The best results (that I saw) were in organic soil, but it has to be the perfect...
  4. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    It's all good. I'm a healthy skeptic too.
  5. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    Harvesting too soon, guilty. I would never put a compost tea or molasses in the reservoir or anything but water. How would you make it recirculate and why? Save money on nutes? I think I got my growing style tuned in enough to experiment with a gadget or two.
  6. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    The newer valves are 1/4 inch and the line is 3/8ths. I think the soil must be just right to drain properly and wick water at the same time. I often wonder about user error when I'm trying out some new gadget. To start things off on the right foot I just (finally) ordered a good quality PH...
  7. Django66

    Yellowing leaves only on kola and all the rest are drooping???

    Found that out and have to keep reminding myself. I freaked out the first time my plants started to fade. Then I looked at the rest of the planet and noticed that it was fall. Yellow leaves can mean a lot or nothing at all. My hibiscus plant drops enough leaves to fill a 4x4 tent when I...
  8. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    It looks like they addressed the issue. The 2023 grow guide they included boasts an improved 1/4- inch inlet. Aqua Valve 5. I guess there is a four. three and two. Good news maybe.
  9. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    Banana Banner Fo fanner me my mo manner. OK that name alittle long but fun to say.
  10. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    A stow away in my reused soil. I had a Banana Kush auto that turned out to be a hermaphrodite. I also found a few fully developed seeds in a Banner plant that was not hermed. All plants were feminized autos. I reused the soil from harvested plants to up-pot from solo cups. This little one...
  11. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    I can hack and DIY stuff to work a little better. Thanks for the info. Sometimes you can improve or repurpose stuff. Then there is total crap. This system seems to be fixable. I don't want to have to shut everything down if I want to go on vacation. This seems like a good solution.
  12. Django66

    Autopot & soil / roots organic original question

    Are you putting something in the resevoir besides water? Is that how you feed? I'm not sure why the lines should get clogged at all but I guess they do. I try to start with a soil mix that lasts for 90 days and I do very little feeding. KNO3 in clean water once in a while. Thats it. Can you...
  13. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    Were there any other problems? Did you correct the issue? The clogging seems to be the isssue most often complained about. Cleaning and maintaining the grow room is a daily task for my style of growing anyway so clogs may not be too much of a issue. I wasn't expecting to plant seeds and come...
  14. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    Thanks. That is helpful. I'll have to keep an eye on the tubes. They provide a larger tube so it shoudn't clog I hope. Nothing is easy and I'm not expecting total automation. Id like to be able to go away for a week and not come home to dying plants. I'm glad your honest about it. Do you add...
  15. Django66

    Autopot & soil / roots organic original question

    I believe it came with the bigger lines. Yes they must have changed the packing. gwheels, could you join me in my thread "XL Auto Pots Grow" Cantbuymeloveu please join in too. ( I don't want to hijack someone else's thread) I would rather hear from people who have been using these successfully...
  16. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    Has anyone used these successfully? I want to hear from you. Are there pitfalls I should be aware of? Have you tweeked the system to make it work better? Is direct sowing into the Auto pots an option? Why or why not? What is your approach? If you hate them or never used them, I don't care...
  17. Django66

    Lesser Known Guitar Gods

    Django Rienhardt. 1940's jazz Joe Pass. Chester and Lester. (Atkins/Paul) All the amazing kids on YouTube.
  18. Django66

    First try with XL Auto Pots. In soil mix with perlite added.

    I have problems with under/over watering. I purchased the Auto Pot XL 4 pot system. I can still return it. lol. I won't. So, here is my plan that is open for changes if they make scientific sense and are not too unnatural. The soil mix - base = 33% (about) each of Pro Mix, dark reed sedge...
  19. Django66


    Most problems start off with "I used FF and OF". Bugs, nutreint burn, and inconsistent results. Expensive "dirt in a bag" I Never used it but I feel like it's like reading a review of a hotel. One or two bad comments may mean nothing but when so many stories start out the same way and say the...