Search results

  1. King Dude

    Using dried/shred cannabis leaves and wood As mulch

    The insects may feed on living plants, but they'll hide under leaf litter. Fusarium grows on the decaying plant matter, which has spores that can be shuttled from the soil surface by the insects that travel between the litter and the living plant. This picture is an example of what fusarium...
  2. King Dude

    Using dried/shred cannabis leaves and wood As mulch

    I don't recommend using dried cannabis leaves as mulch, at least not right away. They tend to pull nitrogen from the soil for the decomposition process. They also give harmful insects and fungi a great home. The leaves, roots, and used soil can all be recycled by putting them into some kind of...
  3. King Dude

    Spider mites

    Spinosad is not water soluble, and it does not wash off easily during typical post-harvest processing. The effects of smoking spinosad contaminated cannabis flowers are currently unknown.
  4. King Dude

    What’s wrong with my seedlings?

    Well, I want to say that your seedlings are not ready for those nutrients. Even if you only measure out a little bit and feed them occasionally, they build up in the soil and potentially burn a plant. If you give seedlings any Fox Farm product, Bush Doctor Kangaroots is probably the better...
  5. King Dude

    Grow light recommendations

    Does the sun count as a grow light? It's free
  6. King Dude

    What’s wrong with my seedlings?

    What Fox Farm product do you use?
  7. King Dude

    What’s wrong with my seedlings?

    Did you add anything to the Sunshine Professional Mix?
  8. King Dude

    Yellowing Sugar Leaves

    How close are your grow lights to your plants, and what kind of lighting device are you using? If possible, please send us a picture of your set up. I'm reluctant to believe that droplets of water are forming and magnifying light enough to burn before evaporating. Your strain might just be too...
  9. King Dude

    Bug Pros, ID & Help

    Leafhoppers are everywhere, but they many proliferate better in grassy fields than wooded areas with predators are also very established. They can be more or less manageable in different situations. Even genetics are at play, with concentrations of molecular defense mechanisms expressing...
  10. King Dude

    Bug Pros, ID & Help

    I've had leafhoppers before, and they don't seem to hurt my plants very much. Only every so often does a plant of mine get absolutely wrecked. It looks ugly, but I've never seen it kill... yet. I think that environment has a lot to do with the insect's ability to proliferate. Not everyone's...
  11. King Dude

    Can't keep seedlings alive

    I understand your concern. Although I'm fairly confident that a little bit of soil with coco coir wouldn't cause problems, I decided to suggest the Kangaroots liquid fertilizer at the end of my earlier comment. Your setup seems just fine aside from Cal-Mag. Maybe there are some things that...
  12. King Dude

    First cannabis grow. General help/advice needed

    The biggest problem with rocks is that it offers less room for roots. They don't usually cause any noticeable problems other than reduced growing potential, which is why people still mistakenly use them. It's not one of those mistakes that outright kills plants. Even I used rocks a long, long...
  13. King Dude

    Spider mites

    A 1:1 ratio of 3% hydrogen peroxide and distilled water will work fine if you put the solution in a spray bottle. The hydrogen peroxide is food safe, and it will not ruin the flowers. Apply it to the plant daily for about a week or two. It will kill the mites and destroy any fungus you might...
  14. King Dude

    Can't keep seedlings alive

    You know what, it might be a potassium issue that's hard to identify because they're all so immature. You have distilled water, Cal-Mag, and... peat/coconut coir, right? I have a feeling as though you're missing some minerals. I recommend taking some traditional (organic) potting soil and...
  15. King Dude

    is a DIY grow tent worth it?

    I've never used a grow tent, but I understand that it might be needed due to various pests and inclement weather. Without a doubt, tents usually improve the quality of cannabis. However, the cost of building materials and utilities may be something to consider. How much does good flower mean to...
  16. King Dude

    Follow me on Instagram @fckingchuck :weed:

    Follow me on Instagram @fckingchuck :weed:
  17. King Dude

    male plant making seeds

    Male cannabis plants don't ever have female reproductive parts. Only female plants are capable of producing male traits. EDIT: After further research, it seems that it is technically possible for male plants to produce buds. It just doesn't happen naturally. As for why plants become...
  18. King Dude

    Does this look like a potassium deficiency to you?

    They look fine to me. I don't suggest feeding it anything for a while. Even though you might have fed it nearly a month ago, a nitrogen burn can be delayed because of slow-release fertilizers. Have you thought about testing the pH of the soil?
  19. King Dude

    Ideal Setup

    I think that CO2 is unnecessary. You'll have enough problems trying to keep oxygen in there without displacing it with CO2. Roots need to breathe in a process known as respiration, and air needs to circulate. Perhaps a dehumidifier would be necessary, especially if you're using hydroponics in an...
  20. King Dude

    First cannabis grow. General help/advice needed

    I think that it originated from people trying to keep their plant from falling over. It just devolved into this because people dislike cleaning up spilled water indoors. The OP should definitely act quickly before the plant damps off completely. I recommend Smart Pots (no rocks!).