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  1. vaporz

    Help with first grow

    look good imo, maybe this "blistering" look you describe is some excess nitrogen that the plant is gonna use for making you some more leaves, as long as new growth is coming in nice and green and continues to grow, I wouldnt worry about it. They are looking good for now though, maybe a picture...
  2. vaporz

    Please help. What's happening? Pics included

    just for the record,,I am in NO WAY associated with that site, I just use it as a tool for information in addition to being a member here, I am on my first grow as well and learning new things every day. One thing I can suggest if you dont have any of the products mentioned in that...
  3. vaporz

    Please help. What's happening? Pics included

    You should bookmark that site if you havent already. I noticed another member posted some links to this site a few posts ago. It is a pretty nice site with some pretty useful info.....between this forum and help from other members and the information on that site you can just about figure out...
  4. vaporz

    Please help. What's happening? Pics included

    go read this article, it will give you all the info you need on this pest and some pretty easy solutions to get it under control:::
  5. vaporz

    Please help. What's happening? Pics included

    they really like an overwatered soil too, if overwatering you bound to have fungus gnats
  6. vaporz

    Please help. What's happening? Pics included

    soil probably had them in it when you bought it, the fungus gnat larvae can feed on roots if an infestation and lead to a whole bunch of issues like root rot, make some fungal problems.
  7. vaporz

    Nerve racking

    might be some sort of technical issue with the site, I had a pic get posted 5 times..I know I wasnt that stoned I uploaded it 5 times,,also been having issues viewing other members pictures too,,some open..some wont....just my two cents issues ive been having the last few days.
  8. vaporz

    Delicious cheese candy

    how did the harvest go?
  9. vaporz

    Please help. What's happening? Pics included

    if you dont have funds for a pH pen see if you can get a pH test kit in pet section of department store or home improvement store. It is a temporary fix until you can get better. Cant really get runoff with it if already discolored but for watering your plants at least you KNOW what you are...
  10. vaporz

    Vaporz 150w HPS First Closet Grow

    just waiting for buds to fatten and messing with settings on camera, my leaves arent actually that color just yet but i liked how picture came out and I am bored.
  11. vaporz

    Vaporz 150w HPS First Closet Grow

    Cheese Candy Day 69------Day 24 Flower
  12. vaporz

    I think there is something wrong...

    yes, when i say feeding I mean watering with some form of nutrients or supplements. If you are watering them everyday and giving them schultz drops each watering you are basically killing them by overwatering them and possibly the schultz is gonna give a severe case of nutrient burn which I...
  13. vaporz

    I think there is something wrong...

    Schultz could be eating them up, looks pretty much are you feeding them and how often. If the oldest is about 3 weeks, you havent been feeding them nutes for very long have you? I would ease of the nutes and just wait for medium to dry and use plain pH water
  14. vaporz

    I think there is something wrong...

    got some stretch to them, might want to lower lights just a fraction
  15. vaporz

    Accidentally topped autoflower while LSTing

    I think you will be alright as long as those other shoots have no issues rising up, only experience I have with auto's is I nuked the very first five I tried to grow. I see alot of people say to not top autoflowers but then again I see some say go ahead and top it if early enough to not stunt...
  16. vaporz

    Vaporz 150w HPS First Closet Grow

    Took a cutting from my cheese candy plant, my first time taking a cutting. It has been in the red cup for a couple weeks and Im gonna be transplanting into bigger container during the next few days since Im pretty sure the roots have established themselves decently.
  17. vaporz

    Vaporz 150w HPS First Closet Grow

    Had a visitor stop by today :
  18. vaporz

    Urgent help sick plant 6 weeks into flower

    Do you recall what the runout pH was? I didn't see in the post where you named the strain you have but it says you are end of week 6, pretty close to the end of life cycle and maybe the particular strain you have does that? how long was gonna flower?
  19. vaporz

    Cheap LED lights

    shopping for LED always look for actual draw because if you look for 300w LED it wont actually be 300w LOL, probably more like 90w actual draw....if you want to find something with around 300w actual draw in LED...look for units advertised as at least 600w..because it most likely have actual...
  20. vaporz

    Not a newbie but new to autoflowers

    Im with Moondance on what he said, I have read alot of threads relating to autoflowers and see alot prefer that 20/4 cycle, you are still gonna get difference of opinions on to go 18/6 or 20/4 or still even the 24/ should do whatever you feel the plant tells you to do of course but I gonna...