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  1. G

    Nutrient deficiency?

    Soil? What kind? Size of pots? Are you adding nutrients yet?
  2. G

    Poor co2

    and here I am always trying to reduce my indoor CO2 levels daily. My home is super airtight, and without a door or window cracked open, the CO2 PPM's fluctuate between 900-1700. Inside my lung room/tent, it always 700-1100 PPM.
  3. G

    Opinion on this trim job please :)

    I consider myself a hybrid trimmer. I wet trim about 60%, then after drying, I finish the remainder 40%.
  4. G

    Took the deck girls down. Beautiful.

    The 3 other pics were 2 weeks ago. The bud pic was this morning. Trichomes were 5% Amber, so I chopped them.
  5. G

    Took the deck girls down. Beautiful.

    5 gallon pots. Put outside mid May. Super Silver Haze. LOTS of water and nutrients. Was quite the experience keeping up with them in such small pots. Morning dew would have caused rot to start any day. Amber trichomes at 5%, so I chopped them.
  6. G

    Opinion on this trim job please :)

    The newer Gen Z commercial buds look like goat turds. Your trim looks great and natural.
  7. G

    3 gallon pot, how much water?!?

    What always works for me. A proper watering session always consumes 25-30% of the pot size. So let’s say you’re using a 3 GALLON pot. A good slow soak 8-13 minute watering session, will usually cause the pot to absorb around 2-3 QUARTS with a small amount of run off at the end. (3-5oz)...
  8. G

    Outdoor small pot test.

    It’s been a LOT of work…. I wanted to see if I could get a decent outdoor grow with only 5 gallon pots. The amount of water and nutrients needed on a daily basis is insane. So far so good though! I feel like it’s a Solo cup challenge, but on a massive outside scale LOL…. They are Super...
  9. G

    Avg dehumidifier watt usage

    I use a 2012 model Frigidaire 30 pint unit. When it's active in dehumidifying, its 300-302W. It's also an "Energy Saver" model. Only because it has an RH thermostat on it. Takes some energy to run the compressor.
  10. G

    Best led bar style setup for 4x8 tent

    That’s my Veg setting.
  11. G

    How Big are your plants at the moment??

    Two experiments out on the deck with only 5 gallon pots. SSH. 2 weeks or so into flower. TPS One/Fish emulsion nutes every 3rd day. It’s a part time job. Tallest one is 74” as of today.
  12. G

    Best led bar style setup for 4x8 tent

    I’m getting 550-613 PPFD @ 50% 14”.
  13. G

    Best led bar style setup for 4x8 tent

    It grows plants better than my Mars and SF does. Best $400 I’ve ever spent in my life. Literally. My current harvest is going to be well over 18-20oz and I didn’t even need to use 100% power.
  14. G

    Best led bar style setup for 4x8 tent

    2 ViparSpectra KS-5000’s.
  15. G

    Confused about advice in LED watts

    “Like”. lol. Guess I need my post count up higher before I get to use a “like” feature. :)
  16. G

    Does height above plants really matter with LED?

    LOL! I just got progressive lenses myself! They are amazing.
  17. G

    Does height above plants really matter with LED?

    The Photone App works amazingly well.
  18. G

    Confused about advice in LED watts

    I'm liking this reply right now. There's just no button to do so. :)
  19. G

    Whats your favorite light?

    LED lighting holds more marketing and sales pitch BS out of any hobby I've ever seen in the past 25 years. It's a fuggin light. As long as it has a proper high end diode (Samsung 301B/H), a large enough power supply, and ideal diode spacing, its going to do the best any of them can...