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  1. desertdog

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Is anyone doing the 12/12 from seed method still? I am just seeing this stuff and think it is right up my agenda lol. I feminize seeds of what I like and cross them to each other and get really strong strains. This has got my attention because of space and time and saving power. Very Cool...
  2. desertdog

    Feminized seeds & hermies. Do you want to know the truth?

    I only have a limited experience to speak from, but I do enjoy making fems. Using a hermie indoors. I selfed again because of reslulting hermies, but I used those to my advantage letting them pollinate the females. I just threw out most of the hermies selfed seed and saved some for another...
  3. desertdog

    Chem induced males.

    I watched one guy make 500 ppm in about two hours using five or six batteries, but a 12 volt dc adapter is cheaper. He also sprayed them two weeks before flowering them. Does this help? or is it unnecessary? I have .999 silver wire and am using a mason jar with plastic cover so I should see...
  4. desertdog

    Making Female seeds 101

    Can you help me get started? I lost my notes on using colloidal silver but I think it said use 300 to 500 ppm of silver. Is that correct? and to spray the girls twice per week for three weeks and then force flower with 12/12 and keep spraying until the plant is covered in nuts. I used to use...
  5. desertdog

    So how many people use CO2 on their grows, and whats the results like?

    My next evolution is the co2 generator, I just don't have the money for it just yet. The buckets were just something to help and watch and see so to speak. The generator is the best bang for the buck and a whole lot less work.
  6. desertdog

    So how many people use CO2 on their grows, and whats the results like?

    When I used my grow box that had air in air out, fan etc I noticed a big difference when I added the Co2. When I increased it I noticed it even more and the flowers were more dense. Now I am trying out a new product called Pro Co2 it lasts 5 - 7 months and covers 5 x 5 and takes levels up to...
  7. desertdog

    Nev bill 374 s

    I am looking for Nevada patients to help stop parts of this law before it screws us all. It will not allow for any patient collectives, it ends growing for yourself. and it is only going to benefit the dispensaries. The patients are getting thrown under the bus and we have to start writing the...
  8. desertdog

    Nev bill 374

    I am looking for any Nevada patients in the Medical Marijuana program that are willing to write our state assembly and demand that the patients needs and concerns be addressed before they just hand it over to these rich pricks that are lining their pockets with cash. I have made several calls to...
  9. desertdog

    24 day into Flowering - PLEASE HELP - LOTS OF PICS!

    H202 is usually for flushing as it messes up nutes. It also kills good bacteria. Your ppm on cal mag is way too low. It should be 5 mil per gallon of water in res. If you drain and refill and correct cal mag it should improve quickly. Then wait a few days and refeed at reduced dose just to let...
  10. desertdog

    This Smoke Tastes Like Hot Peppers???

    has anyone else here got a pepper taste from using pepper spray?
  11. desertdog

    Monster Cropping Increasing Yield

    Now I know why my Mk Ultra did that I had a mother that croaked and I took a load of flowered clones 4 weeks in flower and they went nuts like that. I put em in humidity dome and most of them rooted in three weeks and they grew fast once they rooted so I did again out of laziness with a Bubba...
  12. desertdog

    best way to get rid of spider mites?

    My next addition will be mighty wash unless the shelf life is too short then I will wait until next run. Having three or four organic sprays kills them fast because they cannot get used to any of them.
  13. desertdog

    best way to get rid of spider mites?

    I tried two in a 200 sq ft room with all wood walls and floors and ceiling sealed with silicone and those strips didn't do dick. I am spraying neem and some other stuff called Monterey Garden Insect Spray every two days and they are dying off now. Those hot shot strips were a joke to these...
  14. desertdog

    Spider Mites! Getting rid of them before starting.

    washing the room down with H2o2 will fry the fucks, or bleach then stay on top it with organic sprays. Mighty wash, and neem oil, and pepper spray made from ghost peppers, but the pepper spray has to end two weeks before harvest.
  15. desertdog

    This Smoke Tastes Like Hot Peppers???

    Wow I am glad I didn't use the pepper spray, although for the next round I will. I am alternating between Neem with other ingredients and some other organic spray that is for food consumption as well as the pepper spray. I am too late in this round for the pepper spray and damn glad I checked in...
  16. desertdog

    buying predator mites

    Don't buy from natures control. They will charge you for two day shipping on Wed, and then you won't see the product until the following wed. They will call you to explain that Fed EX doesn't deliver on Sat, even though they also advertise that they send through UPS , and I see Fed EX trucks...
  17. desertdog

    UVA/UVB the real deal. A must read topic for all growers.

    Some growers use an hps and a mh in flower for the extra radiation, and color temp that does what the uv does. For years people have kept it a secret. This is how they grow Fire bud. Also dropping temps down to 68 degrees 69 max with lights on and off, or just a little higher off. Using the uv...
  18. desertdog

    My First grow Inside of a duffel bag

    If you start a fire and hurt anyone here's your stop sign.
  19. desertdog

    My First grow Inside of a duffel bag

    The concept of what we do in growing should always be approached with the safety of ourselves, our property, and others as well. Safety saves lives, I am a volunteer fire fighter with national certifications and I have seen some stupid grow set ups that cost people thousands in property damage...
  20. desertdog

    The Herijuana update

    Ok I know I will get some pics soon. So, none of the woodhorse Heri's popped 0/10 bad for me considering I get good germ rates. Motarebel Heri 8/10, CBF Cripleberry 8/10. What is really cool is that not one male so far. They are at least 12 weeks old and showing female sex on most. I have one...