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  1. Evil-Mobo

    GroErr Grows...

    Thanks according to the LED forum my plants should be sick and dead with my temps and power use etc..........
  2. Evil-Mobo

    GroErr Grows...

    looking good brother. Could you tell us what temps and humidity are at? Also what distance to canopy are you running?
  3. Evil-Mobo

    Evil's Adventures Continue...........era of the AutoCob's.........

    Forgot to post a pic of the roots in the cloner yesterday .
  4. Evil-Mobo

    HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

    Gotcha this current run I'm in the low to mid 70's and the RH stays in the 50-60% range. So i guess basically I've been running hps temps and humidity and feeding lower than usual but more often and the plants are rocking it.
  5. Evil-Mobo

    Grandmaster Level - HLG Quantum Boards vs 1000w HPS side by side (youtube)

    So I got my meter in same as yours but the sensor is fixed and doesn't extend out. The flower tent is giving me readings in the 26K-30K range. Will see if I can mess around in the veg tent .
  6. Evil-Mobo

    HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

    Didn't GML mention lack of frost at higher temps with the LED's? Saying he wished he would have ran lower temps?
  7. Evil-Mobo

    Evil's Adventures Continue...........era of the AutoCob's.........

    Sweet. And yes always exciting running new gear especially when you made it lol . I have bamboo stakes and trellis net in standby so we will see about support. Keeping my eye on everyone.
  8. Evil-Mobo

    Evil's Adventures Continue...........era of the AutoCob's.........

    All those girls loved the topping and defoliation. Much stronger main stems too . I think they will easily support their weights when they fatten up we will see. Two of the four are my Satori crosses #2, and #3 so far I'm a proud papa.
  9. Evil-Mobo

    Evil's Adventures Continue...........era of the AutoCob's.........

    Thanks brother .Your grow is looking great as usual also. I topped the girls on the right a lot more than the left side just for a general comparison on two different methods growing I know the genetics are different but still just for a "general" idea of what might be more work or less work and...
  10. Evil-Mobo

    HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

    5 different strains in this space .........
  11. Evil-Mobo

    HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

    Interesting. Seen none of that running low 70's for temps.
  12. Evil-Mobo

    HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

    Seeing no issues running low 70's and using LED lights
  13. Evil-Mobo

    HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

    No sweat I just wanted to be clear I did not make that claim lol. Thanks
  14. Evil-Mobo

    HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

    I don't recall ever saying 3 lbs per 4x4 .........I think that's very exaggerated claim but it was not me who made it .
  15. Evil-Mobo

    HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

    What problems lol that was a very vague response.
  16. Evil-Mobo

    DE HPS Spectrum Shootout 2100k vs 4000k vs 6000k vs 10,000k Commercial

    I think I might just pm you if that's ok. My bigger space is a 4x8 and I love hid but have yet had a chance to run a DE in any of my spots . I was running hortilux blue MH for veg and super hps for flower .I'm keeping an eye out to see if they release the new ceramic hps bulb as a stand alone...
  17. Evil-Mobo

    Your yield on a HLG550?

    Nothing wrong with the lamps you have. If I had the headroom and the rooms electric would handle it that's what I'd be running. I'm only running LED now because I have to in the current situation. If not my 600's would be up and I'd be trying to figure a way of getting DE lamps setup in my...
  18. Evil-Mobo

    DE HPS Spectrum Shootout 2100k vs 4000k vs 6000k vs 10,000k Commercial

    I'm dying to run a DE as I only have experience with the SE bulbs but I just won't have the height inside my tents ............ Looking forward to your testing.
  19. Evil-Mobo

    Anybody Been In Recent Contact With Amare Technologies

    Reach out to hybridway2 and see if he knows anything bud .
  20. Evil-Mobo

    DE HPS Spectrum Shootout 2100k vs 4000k vs 6000k vs 10,000k Commercial

    Thanks trippy for taking the time to do this. I am along for the ride of that's ok . So 4' away from the canopy with The lights? And just for clarification you said you will be running nanokux fixtures, but which brand of bulbs? Thanks again