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  1. hyroot

    What does molasses do?

    uh no . I just showed that you don't know what you read . if you even read anything or you are just reiterating someone elses posts. Either way you were wrong
  2. hyroot

    Are you ready for the corporate take over?
  3. hyroot

    What does molasses do?

    from microbe man's website. which he does not at all say not use this or that. He just simply states what they do. Almost word for word of what's in teaming with microbes. In fact he even says using kelp in a tea is definitely good to use. I think you guys either forgot what you read or...
  4. hyroot

    What does molasses do?

    Microbe man isn't a scientist or professional academic either. He even says he's self educated on his website. Ingham has a masters and PhD in microbiology. What claims are so preposterous? You do know microbes man's work and teaming with microbes is all based on Inghams work. Evening the...
  5. hyroot

    What does molasses do?

    No it doesn't slow all microbe growth it slows bacteria from producing and over growing / exploding. Again you don't want too much bacteria. It binds nutrients. You need the fungi to feed the plants . if you have only bacteria then you will have issues.
  6. hyroot

    What does molasses do?

    I just had an argument with Tim Wilson the other day. defending his overpriced brewer. The price os because of the diffuser he made. That man is salesman first. his claim to fame is he sold some microscopes to the Smithsonian. He uses that as a reference to his knowledge and the money he...
  7. hyroot

    What does molasses do?

    too much molasses will promote too much bacteria growth and tying up nitrogen. requiring more nutrients. You should try using less molasses and add kelp meal and pureed oats to balance out the bacteria and fungi. The fungi feed off the kelp and oats. fish hydroslate or sucanat are better...
  8. hyroot

    What does molasses do?

    1/2 cup of molasses is way too much. you only need about 3-5 tbsp for 5 gal compost tea. 1/2 cup molasses will make the tea take days til it's ready. Unless you're making a concentrated tea that's going to be diluted to a 30 gallon tea To the op if you are just looking for macro nutrients...
  9. hyroot

    cob | sip | scrog

    depends on the strain really. Just hope you don't get stemmy fox tailing
  10. hyroot

    cob | sip | scrog

    that kind of Fox tailing that early on is usually due to the light being too close. Too many photons. Some cultivars are supposed to fox tail in the last week like gorilla glue.
  11. hyroot

    Flowering in Soil

    the nutrients in fox farm soils will last you about 2 weeks in veg. build your soil. add amendments and worm castings and garden pumice. Let the soil cook -activate and everything breaks down by microbes so it's readily available for the plant to uptake.
  12. hyroot

    Are you ready for the corporate take over?

    Its a bullshit article from a free gossip tabloid. Santa Monica observer
  13. hyroot

    Hyroot's Garden

    luck of the draw. They were rare seeds that were made around 12 years ago. They're a mix of Hawaiian landraces and African landraces. I di want a good male of kona though just to make more seeds of it at least. but I'm crossing it with others too.
  14. hyroot

    Hyroot's Garden

    I have males. kona sunset, afghani, diamonds n dust, mendo breath , and soon strawberry field's. I'm also be making back crosses of each.
  15. hyroot

    Hyroot's Garden

  16. hyroot

    Hyroot's Garden

    This the first run. I had 16 seeds. This was the last seed. The first 15 were male. I ran 5 seeds at a time. So its taken almost 2 years to get to this point.i haven't smoked it yet. I even flowered all the males and kept the best one.
  17. hyroot

    Hyroot's Garden

    Guard dawg Dog trap lowers kona sunset
  18. hyroot

    Bob Bitchen's buds

    put a timer on the pump. Alternate frozen water bottles every few hours and run ac
  19. hyroot

    Hyroot's Garden

    Round 2 for one of the no till 18 gal sips, gorilla glue 4 In a few days I'll transplant kona sunset clones into an 18 gal and the 7 gal fabric pot octo pot build
  20. hyroot

    Hyroot's Garden