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  1. N

    I'm in the weeds

    Probably putting the cart before the horse but I ordered some more seeds. Bought some Girl Scout Cookies Extreme Autoflower. In my inexperienced mind, I figure the quicker they grow, the less time I'll have to #$%^ something up. What I am growing now is feminized skunk. Lokie as far as the grow...
  2. N

    I'm in the weeds

    Yeah I am done with coco for sure. I can just see that the last plant I put in soil looks so much healthier and has grown much faster. I didn't realize I could finish the pot out in a 2 gallon bag. I have 5 gallon ones as well because I thought I would have to transplant again.
  3. N

    I'm in the weeds

    I am going to do that today ot tomorrow. I got some little 2 gallon vivosun grow bags I am going to put them in. Watered them this morning and want the medium moist so it will hopefully hold together for the transfer. That coco just falls apart when its dry and I dont want to damage the roots...
  4. N

    I'm in the weeds

    So, I haven't given up on my two stunted little plants. Seems that they are doing better since I moved the tent but they still aren't progressing like I think they should. I decided to start another seed at the end of July. This time using happy frog soil with no coco or plugs. It seems to be...
  5. N

    I'm in the weeds

    When I water there is always water coming out the bottom of the drain holes pretty quickly.
  6. N

    I'm in the weeds

    So, moved the tent to another room. It is about 83 degrees right now and it is 88 outside. Made a passive vent with some of the hose used on the outtake motor. Set up now.
  7. N

    I'm in the weeds

    Thanks DrOgkush! I started all of my outside veggies and fruit in solo cups and they turned out fine. I think I have overthought and mismanaged the information I was reading. So glad I joined up here so perhaps I can make the adjustments needed.
  8. N

    I'm in the weeds

    Dank, no I really am not invested is the coco. I read a few articles and took it to heart. Perhaps a mistake on my part. I am open to what ever I need to do to have a successful grow. Must be true what they don't know what you don't know. :)
  9. N

    I'm in the weeds

    Wow, looks like my plants are really behind the curve for growth development. Maybe starting over is the best way to go. I should definitely move the tent to another room. Wanted to keep things in a secure area considering I live in Texas but this room is just not helping the situation at all.
  10. N

    I'm in the weeds

    They are not auto flowering. I forgot to mention that they were started inside of a plant plug that is surrounded by the coco coir. Don't know if that makes a difference or not.
  11. N

    I'm in the weeds

    It is blowing the air into the CF. Not sure I understand what you mean by having a passive intake open on the side opposite the filter. I have everything else sealed off so no light breaks up the light cycle.
  12. N

    I'm in the weeds

    I have an exhaust going to a carbon filter and there is a fan and humidifier in the tent. Here is a pic of the setup.
  13. N

    I'm in the weeds

    Well, if worse comes to worse, at least I have more seeds. The only room I can keep the tent in never cools off. The temp frequently gets around 90 degrees. The humidity won't get above 38% so I put a humidifier in there and now it gets too high, around 70%. Just glad I only started with 2 seeds...
  14. N

    I'm in the weeds

    I have a big bag of Fox Farms Happy Frog but was going to wait and use that when they got replanted. At this rate, that might not happen.
  15. N

    I'm in the weeds

    The top inch is really dry every 2 days so I water again. Perhaps I should double that time? They are about a month old but they sure aren't growing much. What would you suggest I feed them with? I have 3 bottles of general hydroponics (Flora micro, gro and bloom).
  16. N

    I'm in the weeds

    So, I basically have a black thumb, but a real desire to grow. I bought a tent kit and started my first 2 seeds about a month ago. I am having problems controlling the temp (too high) and humidity (too low). I am on a 18 hour light on, and 6 hours off. My little plants have not grown at all in...