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  1. Masterdank420

    Seedlings drooping/ends curling down

    Poor ventilation is definitely an issue. Maybe not enough oxygen at the roots either. Im not a hydro grower but they have that droopy overwatered looked like what i see in soil. Keep the net pot outta that water and maybe add more air-stones or bigger ones? Try and keep the water temp right too...
  2. Masterdank420

    Should I flush ?

    Only water till runoff when growing in coco, soil doesn't need any runoff. Wait until the pots get light (not bone dry) before watering. Only water 5%-10% of the volume of soil in your container. (30 gallons of soil = 1.5 gallons of water)
  3. Masterdank420

    Should I flush ?

    No just cut back on water. It looks like lockout from too much water, not too much nutrients.
  4. Masterdank420

    Should I flush ?

    They got some clawing going on and yellowing tips of the leaves. Roots must not have filled the whole container. Wait for it to dry out before the next watering. Do not flush you'll do more damage.
  5. Masterdank420

    Hermie identification

    I never said the op did it on purpose... I also never said that it's a good idea for everyone. I was more answering your question of why someone would want to grow beans that came from a herm plant. I also dropped some knowledge about bean production because not everyone does understand how it...
  6. Masterdank420

    Hermie identification

    It really depends on the factors contributing to the parent plants hermaphroditism. If it was caused by a light leak for example, the offspring will have a 50% chance to herm when exposed to the same conditions. (same 50/50 male to female ratio with regular seeds) If it was caused by blocking...
  7. Masterdank420


    Looks like calcium and/or magnesium deficiency which can be caused by a number of factors. are you growing on a cold floor by chance? Try to include as much info about the environment as possible when asking about a plant problem to make it easier to diagnose.
  8. Masterdank420

    Plants not showing sex in veg

    Hermie will still show it's sex as female and will later develop pollen sacs and nanners. If you don't see the sex of the plant then try giving it uninterrupted period of darkness 12 hours a day. Sex should show within 2 weeks. Also pictures are worth a thousand words. Send one of your plants lol
  9. Masterdank420

    Idk wht is wrong

    Tell that to snakes bro. Lmao
  10. Masterdank420

    Does she look over watered

    Looks like transplant shock to me.
  11. Masterdank420

    leaf taco please help

    Cement also absorbs water like crazy, no joke. Took me one week with 2 humidifiers to get it up to just 50% lol
  12. Masterdank420

    Does a 1' plant produce as much as a 3' plant cut down to 1'

    I've had plants that couldn't support the weight of their buds on their own. You could have real thick branches and nothing but popcorn nugs too.
  13. Masterdank420

    Drooping for days help!

    That's a partially false statement.While i agree that cannabis will stretch under low lighting conditions, some plants do stretch more than others due to genetics.
  14. Masterdank420

    Does a 1' plant produce as much as a 3' plant cut down to 1'

    I'd say container size and the width of the plant canopyare more of a factor than height when it comes down to yield.
  15. Masterdank420

    Weird discoleration on leaves

    Maybe he splashed water from the soil onto his plant and the soil might contain spores? It does look like pm.
  16. Masterdank420


    You should see whats on your skin lol
  17. Masterdank420

    What did I made mistake

    they look like they've been drowned in the two pictures i can make out anything in lol.
  18. Masterdank420

    Please help, late flowering issue

    Whats the watering Schedule like? Might be locking out nutrients due to over watering? I see downward clawing leaves. Either watering too frequently ( not waiting for the medium to dry out before watering) or too much water being used when watering can cause lockout and root damage and pests.
  19. Masterdank420

    Strange markings on leaves

    I technically do not own the original plant anymore, gave the mother to my friend to keep it cause he loves the smoke. Every now and then ill go get some clones from him. Its pretty much mandatory to use a trellis net too or the buds flop over right to the ground. I'm gonna go dig through some...