plants are 25 days from seed didnt think they would show this quick but this looks like a pollon sac but im new to this so wanted to reach out to some more experienced growers
Ya its 1200 led watts I think it's like 600 something from the wall. I ph'd my water to 6.5 last night and flushed them out and was planning on repotting them. I havent given them any nutes yet, should I start once they look less stressed?
Hi I'm new to this and a few days ago my plants looked great but now look like they are curling up and some of the leaves are twisting was wondering if this is a overwatering problem
Hi new to this and trying to figure out what is happening with my plants they looked great a few days ago but now growth has slowed down and are curling in and twisting was wondering if they are being overwatered