whats that in ur soil? looks like you got alot of bone meal or somthing. i bet you tried to do some super soil mix with nutes and stuff and its burning them.
i have found more weed under a park bench than that thing is going to produce. not even worth the money you spend on electricity. start over, so you failed at your first grow, no big deal. next time you will do better.
dude at least it has started flowering thats the first step in success. now how far you want to take it is up to you. when i first tryed growing weed i never even harvested the small plants i had, i just picked the buds off and smoked them wet rofl.
prolly rootbound so they require more water soak em deep multiple times each day and dont forget to skip certain days cause they still like drying out. so my guess is underwatered:?:
how do you water those things in the grow bags with handles. the soil is to the very top and it seems like you cant even fill the pot with water errr i mean bag with water.