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  1. Rico2016

    Anti MMJ Politicians

    they could create so much more income and jobs off legalizing this great gods gift to the world but the old school head traditionals wont let them see the light
  2. Rico2016

    is marijuana legal for canadians in cali?

    cannabis was legal in cali b4 it was legal in canada i thought ?
  3. Rico2016

    Hot Cheetos strain?

    for medical mj they got the cheetos hot piss? new flavor interesting
  4. Rico2016

    Weird plant! Possible Hermie?

    i say keep it safe and steady for now and just keep eye on it before things can get out of hand but for now doesn't look male or hermie
  5. Rico2016

    Newbie and Transplanting - 7gal smart-pot or 13gal plastic?

    i like the fabric smart pots but 7 gal vs 13 gal is gonna be bigger roots for bigger fruits 13 gal if you can handle the size uptick and go for the bloom! happy growing my friend
  6. Rico2016

    Mycorrhizae products with no carriers? In coco

    great info reply thanks Arid.
  7. Rico2016

    Jack's 12-4-16 RO

    i cant handle a crashing ph to below 4.xx that would be devastation
  8. Rico2016

    Athena blended line for seedlings

    nice post and nice avatar picture
  9. Rico2016

    RAW NPK.

    never thought of water in dry i usually make the concentration mix and them zap the plants in my self
  10. Rico2016

    JBC Seeds

    jack and the giant bean stalk lets f gooooo
  11. Rico2016

    Guerrilla Guide

    now this the thrad i didnt know i needed but I need it now thanks TS
  12. Rico2016

    Mycorrhizae products with no carriers? In coco

    im worried on the clay too. i heard dynomyco is all clay is this tru.?. arid do you know? @aridynomyco
  13. Rico2016

    Do nutrients go bad?

    temperatures that go extreme cold to hot and hot to cold can zap and kill things down. how was the temperature kept over those long years?
  14. Rico2016

    Do not know what this is.

    Damn OP it is for sure personal at this point get there sorry asses!
  15. Rico2016

    How much nitrogen does a plant need during flower?

    i always loved 4-2-2 but we have our favs
  16. Rico2016

    Anyone heard of these nutrients?

    never heard of them but theres always something around the corner i guess. looks like a basic 2-0-7 with humics what did i miss? why use it?
  17. Rico2016

    Do not know what this is.

    Looks like a good recovery what is the update op?
  18. Rico2016

    Wtf am I looking at

    Did you do the proper concentration or go over or under on the mix?
  19. Rico2016

    What you put under your fabric beds?

    not a bad idea to ponder and what temp you think i can run it at to play it safe?
  20. Rico2016

    Quick Question about Compost Tea and Banana Peels!

    def add the worm castings, bag poop and kelp it up baby and your golden