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  1. Shadrock15

    Cree 3590 vs quantum board Help plz

    I have a 7 sq ft grow area usual do 5 plants soil grow currently using 96 w t5 and mars hydro reflector 96- i have had decent success but.... My question is - i would like to up grade lighting so im down to 4x cree cxb 3590 from king-bright Or 2x 288 v2 quantum boards I will run 3500k Any...
  2. Shadrock15

    Kingbright led kit

    Wow i must say necasity is the mother of invention. what are the strips like i dont know what f strips are- what are diodes and watts per diode. im not dead set on the cobs but i like that they can be used with more freedom like 4 in one area and 2 in another ect...
  3. Shadrock15

    Kingbright led kit

    hello I want to switch frim my blurples to a cob kit. Before we get off into the - blurples are shit train- let me say i have grown some decent nugs i have never had issues i dont want to bash them bit...!cobs are better and i want better nugs :) So im down to 300w clu048 1212 Or 250w clu048...
  4. Shadrock15

    Build Using CLU048-1212C4 COBS. Advice Needed :-)

    any one know what the cri is on the timber 250w clu038- the citizens?
  5. Shadrock15

    Imformation oberload

    But i am not an expert by any means im just befuddled lol
  6. Shadrock15

    Imformation oberload

    Its just hard for me to believe ( not saying your wron) but hard to believe a .3 w doide albeit 2-300 of them will be over powering
  7. Shadrock15

    Imformation oberload

    Hmmm yeah i thought t just didnt feel like a good idea and i had never read anyone doing it so figured i would ask..... and then theres the whole break one and 7 yrs. bad luck fuck that im superstitious enough with out tip- toeing around the funhouse grow room lol
  8. Shadrock15

    LED idea for future

    Yeah i meN the timber is pretty and all but i dont see a spectrum graph on um and that long skinny deal i just dont thing will give me coverage
  9. Shadrock15

    Imformation oberload

    My wife asked me once why i dont use morrors like in the floor especialy. What say you. Mirrors
  10. Shadrock15

    Imformation oberload

    I jad looked at the pre assembled qb's i could swing the 3 to 4 hundred ok but i dont want to spend alot i have other responsabilities and they come first so...if it was something realy outta this world I would go 500 max max
  11. Shadrock15

    Mother F****er

    this is another reason why we will NEVER be introduced to intelligent alien life. If they are looking at you- tube oh man forget it they aint even gonna stop for gas. Wow beyond messed up. But i did see a documentary on a lady that actualy legaly married a carnival ride she said it was the only...
  12. Shadrock15

    Imformation oberload

    Omg im so confused as to what is the right light I have 3 x2.5 area 7 sq ft Someone help please Why cree cob vs vero or citizen What do i realy need for even coverage Why quantum boards over any other cob And realy what is best spectrum Soil grower ff happy frog with thre pot ups sog i use...
  13. Shadrock15

    LED idea for future

    Well thats a novel idea for sure i do run a fan so heat shouldnt be an issue but thats a slick idea thanks. Im just a little afrai of diy im not the sharpest tool im the shed and afraid of electricty to ne quite honest
  14. Shadrock15

    Check out My first setup!

    Dang you certainly went all out im still in the closet ( so to speak lol)
  15. Shadrock15

    Opinions please

    I am not the biggest ebay fan but does anyone have an opinion on these kits
  16. Shadrock15

    LED idea for future

    In defense of mars hydro I didnt have much money 3 years ago bought a mars 96 reflector and its runnin as we speak i have done 5 grows with it in a 2.5 x 3 closet painted white and some panda film on floor and it has been great. Nit the best. Im shopping now for better lights i dont like the...
  17. Shadrock15

    I suck at growing weed

    I tend to agree that you may be pulling them early the last 2 weeks are like torture but you gotta stay with it. Genetics too but i have growm some great bag weed seed. Mostlly for edibles but yeah good seed dont look for fancy shmancy names. If you wanna bust a lung grow some good ole white...
  18. Shadrock15

    Best simple organic fertilizers

    Im soil grow theyblook like specificalybfor hydroponics
  19. Shadrock15

    Question about diffusers

    what is the bennifit/ or draw back of having a diffuser on a cob vs an optic lens. I mean i get that they are both lenses but for instance the migrow boasts a diffuser for better penetration as opposed to say an optic 1 with a 90 degree glass lens is one better than the other or is it all just...
  20. Shadrock15

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    dang who peed in your wheetie dude.