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  1. Tetrahedral

    Wtf am I seeing here..... Im blown away.

    Oh it wasn't a good angle, really looked like a stray weed. So this has its own root system, carefully tease it out and replant indoors, it's roots probably are quite shallow. Twins happen at an early division point, it shouldn't but one tiny cell splitting moment and you get a runt as the...
  2. Tetrahedral

    Wtf am I seeing here..... Im blown away.

    Random seed blew in or was in the mix already, it happens.
  3. Tetrahedral

    Rainy day for the ol gal, shes loving it PLEASE RATE PLEASE

    I like it, looks green healthy and there's going to be a lot of flower on all those tops. I'd give you an A but too early in the game, B+. Update us in a month if you want ro try for that A.
  4. Tetrahedral

    Is this a harvest day?

    If you want it to be but would need a reason not to wait a lil longer..
  5. Tetrahedral

    Humidity levels during flowering stage

    Half the growers here don't understand that the countries of origin range from 20% to 80% humidity and with airflow that is good to grow in. What you read about keeping it at a certain point is some idiots best guess that gets constantly repeated. Explaining humidity and growing on a cannabis...
  6. Tetrahedral

    Dark strains

    Those are the colours of a stressed out plant not it's genetics, those leaves should be chlorophyll green colour.
  7. Tetrahedral

    She definitely looks ready...

    Thoughts are the leaves are all screwed so trichs aren't the best judge just harvest when it looks ready.
  8. Tetrahedral

    opions please

  9. Tetrahedral

    opions please

    Don't those threads describe a small portion of the stem still attached to the base, can you cut the leaf higher up and root it?
  10. Tetrahedral

    opions please

    Put a cannabis leaf in a glass of water, it won't grow roots,
  11. Tetrahedral

    Blue dream 12 weeks into flower

    Cut it if everything else looks ready, ignore the end tails. Looks ok to chop imo.
  12. Tetrahedral

    Anyone see this type of strange ass growth before?

    Like any sativa, the stretched out calyxs are more seen on stressed plants but that is easy to do with sativas.
  13. Tetrahedral

    Blue dream 12 weeks into flower

    It's been foxtailing.
  14. Tetrahedral

    Will this be smokeable?

    You shouldn't really get mosaic virus indoors and it dosent look like mosaic virus. If you have it sanitizer everything and stop growing for a while. I don't know if test kits and strips are highly accurate but normally a lab confirmation was needed. If you seriously are considering a hemp...
  15. Tetrahedral

    Need an experienced eye please

    Swollen calyxs, now you know what bud looks like, pop it on the side you will have a nice smoke in week or two when it's finished drying.
  16. Tetrahedral

    Night time Rh? It's not really humidity that matters but wether it condenses on your buds, with airflow that's even harder to do but the principle of air, temperature and water are highlighted in this easy to understand link...
  17. Tetrahedral

    1 hour + of big light leaks please help!!

    It will not do anything.
  18. Tetrahedral

    Seems all my leaves are yellowing now ughgh

    It was already deficient and got worse when you flushed.
  19. Tetrahedral

    Liquid kelp

    Liquid seaweed isn't a npk type fertilizer, many are 0.4 0.2 1.0 npk which isn't going to do much. It's more for the 60 trace elements and other goodies. Combine it with an npk complete fertilizer. It should last for years, only clumps when it gets old and spoils if held in a very warm place.
  20. Tetrahedral

    High humidity in dry room?

    You realise how idiotic and purposeless your post was so made a childish reply to try not to look like you didn't know what you were talking about. We all knew a plant was 75%, what you said was pointless and idiotic, no escaping that and wouldn't want to be you or look so bad. If anyone says...