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  1. Sunny Organics

    Darth Danks 2015 season

    very nice man, what did u use for ur hash? u got a shit ton out of it!!
  2. Sunny Organics

    Darth Danks 2015 season

    SICKKKK!!!! that shit looks fire... :clap::clap::clap:
  3. Sunny Organics

    Hash pressing and decarboxylation

    i made some the other day ended up covering a huge bowl with a .5 sheet of rosin hahaha. hash is the best... cheers!!! bongsmilie:peace::leaf: some hash i made the other day fresh out the freezer, toking on the 25u atm :fire:. -
  4. Sunny Organics

    I was gifted 3 rabbits today

    rabbits are great snake food as well! :fire:
  5. Sunny Organics

    Hash pressing and decarboxylation

    go for it dude, or just do it rosin style.
  6. Sunny Organics

    What are your favorite ACTs?!

    yup that's much better, awsome thread.:clap: there's a lot of things you can do to your worms that will improve your castings. teas is another different story lol. cheers, stay lifted! :bigjoint:
  7. Sunny Organics

    What are your favorite ACTs?!

    my base is shredded newspaper, cardboard, and egg cartons. mix some soil with some azomite and egg shells. I use my nutri bullet to make the azomite and eggshells powder and thats pure power for your end product. mix everything in a bin. use 2 5$ Walmart bins and drill holes on the top...
  8. Sunny Organics

    sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

    wow i never thought of that, thanks man haha. cheers! :bigjoint:
  9. Sunny Organics

    Darth Danks 2015 season

    sick, hopefully mine turn out girls. had some blue og, bubbas gift and louis xiii OG harvested recently they all came out fire. the winner would be louis xiii OG stinks up everything, caked up, and super dense og looking nugs... by cali connection i plan to buy them again. i have some sour...
  10. Sunny Organics

    Darth Danks 2015 season

    that blows... was it still good herb?
  11. Sunny Organics

    Darth Danks 2015 season

    EEY SUB! that's wassup his soil always gives you fire product. germinating 2 9LB Hammers as we speak, i hope they turn girls i want to save the rest of the seeds for some crosses next year. can't wait to see your results with your tga strains.
  12. Sunny Organics

    Real Organics

    haha thanks man going hard on that hemp mulch i see :blsmoke: i just grind everything up and put it with my compost pile, your method looks really good too.
  13. Sunny Organics

    Real Organics

    last harvest i used a bag of roots organics to transplant some girls to flower, some supersoil got mixed in with the roots organic bag. 1 month later, the whoole top is covered in webs and little round fungi looking things.... it gave me chills just by looking at it, WAY TOO ALIVE!!! it looked...
  14. Sunny Organics

    My organic method.

    FIREEEEEE!!!! :fire:
  15. Sunny Organics

    My organic method.

    i tried insect frass this past runs and didn't have a problem, but i also didn't see a huge improvement. i would just save it and add it in tea form with mycos, kelp, and humic acid. i sometimes do that twice during veg and once early during flower. i would also not use the greensand unless you...
  16. Sunny Organics

    Organic vs. Synthetic Nutrients

    Iv'e grown some crazy fire with bottled nutes. however, everyone has their own way to grow. im staying organic until i master that shit lol. stay lifted :bigjoint::peace::leaf:
  17. Sunny Organics

    Boogie Brew

    boogie brew is a complete rip off. does work but overpriced, they offered me a free bag and i turned it down. you can make better teas with stuff you probably already have laying around.
  18. Sunny Organics

    How much weed will this plant produce ?

    nah dude looks like a 2 pounder to me. :bigjoint::weed:
  19. Sunny Organics

    Organic vs. Synthetic Nutrients

    organic all the way!! Put it this way, would you rather eat McDonalds everyday? or a nice piece of ribeye steak with smashed potatoes and veggies... sorry im hella munchin...
  20. Sunny Organics

    Darth Danks 2015 season

    sick man, does sour d's get crazy. good thing you got them next to the fire ogs. keep it up homie stay lifted. :bigjoint: