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  1. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    i put these two in a bigger container with still water, they were good for a day, but started showing these signs right after so i'm thinking maybe thats why. i've had them switched back to the redsolo cups for 2 days now.
  2. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    okay. so the air stone will fix this? and my plants wont die?
  3. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    and if the problem would be d/o, how come none of my other plants are reacting the same?
  4. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    that's not what it is. i'm doing a slightly changed version. i'm keeping the water levels at the same place, every 12 hours i'll change out the nutrient water with fresher/phd nutrient water,
  5. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    here's some photos of my plants that aren't drooping. (i just put this one in flower, doing an experiment) i'll upload a pic of my biggest one that's doing the best so far later.
  6. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    i'm running a krakty system with a red solo cup & a net pot. next pay check though, i'm getting 1 gallon mason jars, putting black socks over them, throwing in an airstone, and hopefully i'll be golden. i'm using the bottled nutes because its what i had on hand, and i was eager to try something...
  7. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    i had my 6 plants in the soil, switched one, saw how much better it was then soil, then switched them all over to hydro.
  8. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    i can post pics of my other plants that are looking healthy.
  9. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    yeah i do, i mix it about every 3 hours to keep it from settling too much. i'll get some espsom salt today, hopefully that'll clear up some Mg issues, how do you think i should dose per gal? i don't think any stores near me carry jacks 321, i have to wait for my next paycheck for that anyway.
  10. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    i don't even have foxfarm for hydro, it's for soil, really. i'm working on getting better nutes, gonna go with jacks321. my water level is 1in from the net pot. i'm using fox farms nutrients, big bloom and grow big. i've added water/less nutes time and time again, no results though.
  11. min0r

    honest genetics

    i'm so jealous of that mint choc chip.
  12. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    i've never had my plants droop like this unless i'm overwatering in soil, even during sleeping hours my other plants don't droop like this.
  13. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    the drooping? none of my other plants have it but her.
  14. min0r

    PPM/EC related issues possibly

    not sure what's going on with my plant, i haven't grown in hydro before, i don't own a ppm memter, i am planning on getting one next paycheck, regardless weather this is the problem or not. if it is something to do with my ppms, what's a simple fix for the time being for while i don't have a ppm...
  15. min0r

    Quantum board or normal plant?

    lower leaves are simply wilting because it's a waste of the plants energy. i wouldn't stress too much about it, but if it continues to upper growth then it's something to worry about. the leaf isn't getting as much sunlight, so the plant assumes it's not gonna get more and thinks its useless...
  16. min0r


    i say burn him.
  17. min0r


  18. min0r

    honest genetics

    post pictures once you get some.
  19. min0r

    honest genetics

    post pictures if you can. i'd love to see
  20. min0r

    honest genetics

    no problem man, spreading informations a hobby of mine haha. you're welcome, not a problem man, i can see that your work & gadsdens has a lot of effort put into it, and i just thought it was under appreciated, since i couldn't find anything online about your genetics. thanks for all of the...