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  1. 75triumph

    Small buds left after harvesting

    Thanks not familiar but will look into it.
  2. 75triumph

    Small buds left after harvesting

    So a question about lower buds left on auto indoor plants. Is there any use or chance these will develop. Thanks
  3. 75triumph

    Watering options

    I did try drip off my house water here in Florida. Chlorine up and ph was 7.8. To much treatment. Tried an iv drip bag, not consistent. So the threaded bottle deal will have to work. Thanks all
  4. 75triumph

    Watering options

    Leaving my indoor plants for a week and generally water every two days to three days. I use spring water, my tap water ph to high. What would be the easiest options to cover them for a week. Thanks
  5. 75triumph

    12 hour change

    Getting new carbs now. It’s a beautiful car
  6. 75triumph

    12 hour change

  7. 75triumph

    12 hour change

    Going on 9 weeks shortly with gelato auto. My buds are fattening and the plants look normal. Growing indoors in hot again Florida concerned with day temps. Switched to 12/12 to run with cooler nights. Will this change hinder development at this stage. Thanks
  8. 75triumph

    Watering concern

    I am leaving for 6 days. My autos are about 4 weeks. The nutes will be cut for the 3 L bags. Testing right now. Will see
  9. 75triumph

    Watering concern

    My tap water is charge from time to time with chlorine. You can smell it. I use bottled water always
  10. 75triumph

    Watering concern

    Thanks for the reply. Sounds like your in the medical field. Sounds technical. Hopefully it’s set not to dry or to wet. Testing right now Thanks
  11. 75triumph

    Watering concern

    Leaving town with short notice going to try a hospital intravenous bag. Testing now and adjusting the drip. I don’t have time for a more advanced system also tap water is not being used. Whatcha think??
  12. 75triumph

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Just chopped mine after 10 weeks. And yes an unusual color. Your tops look like more time needed as mine were advised. Small return with harvest, a wait and see now.
  13. 75triumph

    Fast Buds Blackberry

    Yes went 10 weeks and cut them. Over all with them a small amount to harvest. Leaving town this week, so there was no option. As far as trichones I reached cloudy nothing farther. These were free auto’s so I took a chance. Got 4 week gelato on deck. Thanks for asking
  14. 75triumph

    Harvest time!

    Ok I take it all back with your first 4 harvests. But that’s how we learn to improve. Sorry it took 4.
  15. 75triumph

    Harvest time!

    Agree also with old eyes. Tough to see with any pictures, don’t no how it’s seen. But you with 4 harvests done should no what to see. Good luck and happy holidays
  16. 75triumph

    Red vs Blue light

    Yea switched both on. Its a wait and see. This strain taking a bit longer
  17. 75triumph

    Red vs Blue light

    A question about switching blue to red to enhance trichome development. Going on 10 weeks with a blackberry auto. Mostly clear to this date, going to give it a try with the red light. Have the famurs 3000 with multi lights Any thoughts
  18. 75triumph

    Back again and I really want to harvest

    You guys are always in the middle when giving advise what people don’t want to hear. I myself have asked the same question. The bad part is when they say you have not answered. Advice was given just not received. Thanks all for contributing.
  19. 75triumph

    Is it ready?

    Glad that ended on a good!!!