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  1. Breezee77

    A perfect cure every time

    Hey simon... Sorry if you already covered this but I read most of the post and didn't see anyone talking about it. I put bud into jars and waited about 12 hours with no change in humidity. It's been 50% in one jar and 52% in another... Guess I screwed up huh? I personally think it smokes...
  2. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    Do you think my reading is actuate with the jars only being 1/2 full?
  3. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    Also, I have a small drying rack and it's actually layered up a few inches… Could that be making it dry way slower? It seems to smoke good. I just don't want there to be mold growing in there if it's not spread out too much? Am I worrying too much? Should I get another drying rack and...
  4. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    So I filled a jar about 1/2 way and put the RH meter from the room in there because that's how much I could fit in there ant it says 52% after being in there a couple hours. That's the only thing I can go by. Wow… 35-45%… I was worried 52 was too low… Is 60% too high? What do most people...
  5. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    And what RH do you typically see when you start jarring? Would burping for longer periods hurt anything compared to leaving them out to dry?
  6. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    Yea, the leaves are still mobile, but the stems break. I wouldn't even be worried if this was day 7, but now it's like 18 days since they were cut down and seems like it's too long because everyone says they normally dry in like a week… Do you monitor your RH when curing and stop burping once...
  7. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    I mean i don't have the RH caps… I'm going to get them in a few days..
  8. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    Thanks… Above 55%? I thought 60-65% was ideal and they could stop being burped at that time…. I can't check the RH for a few more days though...
  9. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    Lol it smokes great! I swear I can hear some crackling though! Why doesn't it take anyone else this long? Great stuff squid! I'm wondering maybe the drying rack slowed it down a little? I just don't want to over dry. I think it is drying slow. Should it smell cronic when you put it in the...
  10. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    Thanks everyone for your help so far! So I have another question… It seems like it's taking a long time to dry. They are still on the drying rack and it has been about 17 days since they were cut down. It's 55-60% humidity in there and about 70 degrees. Is this a normal amount of time...
  11. Breezee77

    Is this the right way? - Drying and curing

    Hi everyone! If you can take the time to read through this simple post, I would greatly appreciate any help! In a pickle here…. First, chopped down the girls and hung them upside down in a room 70 degrees / 55% humidity… Waited 7 days drying upside down and then trimmed the crap out of them...
  12. Breezee77

    FloraNova Once A Week Flush

    Thanks for the wealth of knowledge everyone! Thanks for helping tear this apart! What's up with it suggesting the 6/18 for veg... what if it is 4/20 for lights on/off?
  13. Breezee77

    FloraNova Once A Week Flush

    I would imagine it's going to be every 3-4 days in peat moss soil. I'm confused on your equation… Are you saying every other time since that is about 2 times a week?
  14. Breezee77

    FloraNova Once A Week Flush

    Are you saying it won't work as well in soil? If you were only watering 2 times a week, would you just feed every other time? This is organics.
  15. Breezee77

    FloraNova Once A Week Flush Here is a link to the feeding chart by the way.
  16. Breezee77

    FloraNova Once A Week Flush

    Got ya. So, GH would want a plain water feeding every other time basically. In veg I was thinking of adding Silica, CalMg and Hyrdozyme to this mix. Does hydrozyme help with this as well… If you were going to do nutes every time, how much would you give them? Has anyone had personal...
  17. Breezee77

    FloraNova Once A Week Flush

    Hey everyone! I'm a little confused on GH feeding chart. At the very bottom on the second page it says tips and then it lists "Water with fresh water once a week" I am planning on growing in peat moss, so would only need to water about twice a week. Does that mean that I would flush it...
  18. Breezee77


    Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone has experience using Technaflora recipe for success. I was thinking about trying it in soil. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  19. Breezee77

    GH FloraNova Series

    Hi everyone! I am wondering if anyone has any tips for the Flora Nova Series by General Hyrdoponics. Is it good for soil? What are the advantages/disadvantages of using the simple vs expert feeding schedule? Did you add any additional nutrients to it? I was thinking of adding Silica...
  20. Breezee77

    Harvest/Curing Guide

    So the boveda pack keep the humidity at a certain level? Do those kinds of lids have a name! Great pic!