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  1. Z

    Weird spot, And edges dying. Need some help please!

    ok so I got two plants the one on the left is a royal drawf auto, right is the moby dick xxl. 2x2x4' tent 4" exhaust and intake with a carbon filter Sf1000= 100 watts led 3 gal fabric pots Dwarf is potting soil and coco Moby is only coco Feeding ff trio 50% every other watering, watering every...
  2. Z

    ppm and nutes please

    Yeah i appreciate it thats the schedule I've been using. I guess they just want more lol. Thank u very much have a great day. Ill post back in a week and show these girls off. I'm gonna so recomended dose and see if ppm is higher
  3. Z

    ppm and nutes please

    oh and this is day 31 on the one on the right a 27 for the one on the left
  4. Z

    ppm and nutes please

    I filled up a five gallon bucket and added 50% of nutes for fox farm trio for coco and (per gallon) and didn't check the ppm. But did after the next feeding everyweek would add a little more depending on the week. Now I'm out and doing about 75% and its still super low. Im just curious if ppm...
  5. Z

    ppm and nutes please

    so I'm using fox farm trio, my concern is when I put it the recommended amt( about half) my ppm is running only like 300... my water is about 23 27 without the nutes. Should I be using more the guide says it should be around 1100-1200 or something like that. So I'm confused if ppm is more...
  6. Z

    Rate my setup.... and help real quick

    Yes and yes. Its 70 coco 30 perlite. I prepped with 1.5 times the recommended dose cal-mag plus per gallon. Soaked 24 hrs then rinsed
  7. Z

    Rate my setup.... and help real quick

    They are autos and I felt like starting them in there end pot.
  8. Z

    Rate my setup.... and help real quick

    so I do have a additional 4" exhaust fan at top. The tent it 2x2. Also anyone know whats wrong with me plants?
  9. Z

    Please help about to start 1st autos

    Yeah I'm just worried cause I nute burned on my first attempt with potting soil. The plants came out male so they were worthless
  10. Z

    Please help about to start 1st autos

    Ye ive done a lot of research there seems to be a little debate. Some say the seeds provide enuf nutrition for a few days and others say to water with nutes first day. I thought I might have over watered. So I watered the 1st one with nutes. 187 ppm 6.4 ph . The other i did not and it took a bit...
  11. Z

    Please help about to start 1st autos

    I started 2 bag seeds and they started fine then I added about a shot glass of water on day 3 then the 1st true leaves started to brown and die. One even fell over. I'm growing in coco coir. I really want to figure this out before I plant my autos
  12. Z

    New at growing with coco please help

    sry I meant grow big.
  13. Z

    New at growing with coco please help

    ok so ive never grown before. I'm using coco and about 20% perlite. I have a 2x2x4 grow tent a 4" exhaust and intake temp is around 76, humidity is about 60 to 70 using a spider farm 1000 light about 24 inches away i started bag seed waiting for my Moby sick XXL and amniseia seeds, which just...