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  1. dank'd

    Chinese versus Western lights

    kingbrite got you
  2. dank'd

    How long to cure for the best quality? 3 months?

    two strains i grew gave me a headachy burnout and dry mouth, but after a few months everything was fine
  3. dank'd

    Gerneral consensus on harvesting...wrong?

    imo i would take early harvested weed over late harvested weed every day of the week
  4. dank'd

    Gerneral consensus on harvesting...wrong?

    these studies by utah state i would believe over decades of hearsay they did trials with many different strains and 40 days from flip is where the thc and cbd starts to drop. they analyze flowers constantly throughout flowering also most tent/home growers who grow with hid are running their...
  5. dank'd

    Gerneral consensus on harvesting...wrong?

    op is actually correct. thc and cbd levels begin to drop earlier than typical harvest times the phosphorous myth is also now getting more attention after decades of bro science and industry scams letting plants go through dry stress to improve thc and cbd production is also a myth, as is...
  6. dank'd

    Goofing around with a clone

    i cut clones and trim them like a bunch of flowers and put in a glass bottle with the stems trimmed to the same length and the water about 1-2cm covering the stems trick is to give them enough light. just need to top up the water once a week or so
  7. dank'd

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    thanks. i am tempted to get some more of these bowls and put the water hole on top instead of the sides to make use of the whole bowl in the flower tent, i put 5 gallon rizhopots on risers/saucers with wicks. it took about one week for the top of the soil to become wet and they have stayed wet...
  8. dank'd

    Canadian growers destroyed a record 425 million grams

    value menu pre-ground weed is about 3.50 to 4.50 per gram at ocs. thank god i figured out how to grow 1/2 pound crops in a 2.5ft^2 tent. two crops a year in the cooler months is easily enough for my needs
  9. dank'd

    plant not smelling much

    i had written the plant off (ortega, nl1 x nl5) compared to the others which stunk the place up. it was the last to come down and the last i got to try turns out this plant is one of the most potent, with the longest lasting, most enjoyable high of the bunch with the least negative/cumulative...
  10. dank'd

    plant not smelling much

    my keeper out of four strains/four seeds was the least smelly one
  11. dank'd

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    it's actually clear plastic, it was my attempts at air layering. i bought a bunch of hinged plastic eggs from aliexpress the wicking pots am so glad i eventually made these. in the flower tent i drape the same webbing strips over plant risers in saucers
  12. dank'd

    Tent height and heat using same wattage

    these tents are the same make and only 2.5ft^2. i am expecting seven to eight ounces on my next harvest i only flower at cooler times of year. the light is only kept at 1/3 brightness and in winter the tent is nice and cool the only fan in the system is the duct fan on the outtake so...
  13. dank'd

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    these are plastic bowls from canadian tire with polypropylene webbing. put a plant on top and it's watering
  14. dank'd

    Drying at low humidity

    not at these temperatures with a typical modern fridge that keeps drawing moisture out of the air. i trim plants straight to turkey bags and into a fridge. they stay between high 70's and high 90's for two to three weeks until low 70's/sealed and kept in a fridge after that once i trim the...
  15. dank'd

    Drying at low humidity

    trim the buds into loosely closed bags and put in a clean fridge. will be ready in two to three weeks. keep a hygrometer in one of the bags and adjust the openings so the rh is anywhere from high 70's to low 90's after two weeks do a check and seal a bag with the hygrometer in it for an hour...
  16. dank'd

    Indica plants without any smell

    growing a small tent full of mr nice ortega which is nl5 x nl1. out of four strains/seeds from mr nice this was my keeper based on effects and i was not expecting it the rancid skunk of some of the other strains made the whole place stink and with this crop of only ortega there is no odour...
  17. dank'd

    How to raise a fabric planter
  18. dank'd

    How to raise a fabric planter

    i drape a bunch of pieces of 3/4" polypropylene strips across/through these risers and into matching saucers plants stay perpetually watered by wicking and i only add water to the saucer
  19. dank'd

    Drying in a fridge

    thanks man! just following your lead. i'm in kitchener ontario : )
  20. dank'd

    Drying in a fridge

    hey thank you! i read that reddit thread also btw nice. the temp in the bags on the top shelf is usually 7-10 ish(?) c and the bottom bags are a few degrees higher. humidity in the bags is about the same though at anywhere from high 70's to high 80's so far the smells have been changing, from...