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  1. P

    Ugh branch broke during budding

    Hi, So branch broke yesterday during some winds and rain it's still attached but by the time I got to it this morning scaring already occured. Literally 12 hours maybe. Anyway I put it back up into place and tied it off to a stake and I'm sure it'll heal But my question is multi in one Will...
  2. P

    Security team on the prowl

    Got my security team working overtime, lady bug is on break I guess. It and a few of its crew usually around. And it's just been them, jumping spiders and lady bugs not one spray all year, and only one treatment of yard and garden granular on the soil back in May. But these guys do just fine...
  3. P

    How much should I defoliate these LARGE plants?

    I have been trimming my bush a little bit every week. I noticed that the fan leaves go to certain points but the littler leaves I feel carry the energy to the bud and fan leaves are to the plant. But I've been trimming for air flow and some light penetration. Probably took a pound of wet leaves...
  4. P

    How do you outdoor growers do it?

    This is a new thing to me but it really would depend on where you grow. In my backyard I I'm done get much road grime because the winds mostly blow from the north and if they do from the south the house blocks it Pollen from the trees be about the only risk and soon when the leaves start...
  5. P

    Fan for airflow?

    Have a bush close to the house but don't want to trim much because Ohio is forecasting early cold and wet so I was thinking a clear umbrella I have and a clip on fan to promote air flow. I am at that stage. What ya all think with more experience.
  6. P

    Is this male or female?

    Thank you everyone I appreciate your help.
  7. P

    Is this male or female?

    Hi, I really have issues with sexing the plants since I have never seen a male to go off of and google isn't helping with mixed results. See how I'm the Google result photo both examples look male to me lol So is this female male or herm?
  8. P

    Anyone else entering flowering stage outdoors?

    Mine has entered it last week and tomorrow will make one full week with actual buds on it. I have trimmed off some of my fan leaves to increase airflow to the center of the plant but other then that she will go. The soil is so full of nutrients I shouldn't have to feed her again except maybe...
  9. P

    Mosquito dunks for fungus gnats

    I use just normal yard bug granular that is safe for food and haven't had a issue once
  10. P

    What to use to deter caterpillars eating my outdoor grow

    I feed triple 20 and tomato fert from Walmart plus work castings tea and not a pest problem. The only time this year I had a pest problem was leaf hoppers and that's because I got lazy and didn't fert it for a month lol Once I have it a good feeding even the leaf hoppers went away. Feed is...
  11. P

    How much longer outdoor grown

    I feel this is a mixed opinion based on the grower. I've asked about trimming fans and have received mix replies from people on here but every article from anyone online states to trim them so they don't suck the energy because after bidding starts fan leaves are not the energy producers...
  12. P

    Ohio's rec sold $11 million in first 5 days... Whoopty do

    Ohio is celebrating $11 million on sales the first 5 days of legal sales. That is not a number to flex about considering it was so highly anticipated by the stoners here. I bet the town in Michigan i went to yesterday sold $11 million just Saturday worth of weed to Ohio residents alone crossing...
  13. P

    Question about trimming

    Thank you and makes a lot of sense and I think I'll quit picking off huge fan leaves as well then and let them act as rain shields.
  14. P

    Question about trimming

    Hi, I have a 4' tall by 4' wide bush that was planted outside end of may that has 7 main stems but it is starting to get new branches off the bigger main ones. Should I cut them off so the main stems only produce bud? Or should I leave these to grow and just trim leaves off for air flow? I am...
  15. P

    Oh no, is this powdery mildew?

    Yea I have these stupid little grasshopper looking things that love to sit up there and munch on them in the evening time. It's the only bug I have any dealing with because they can hop onto it since I use bug killer grains on my soil once a pot(always have in my garden plants, and not toxic...
  16. P

    Oh no, is this powdery mildew?

    Lol good my thoughts were correct then, poop or some other form or contamination. It's growing outdoors, but I just repotted it the night before and then came outside the next day and seen that on a whole bunch of leaves. I also thought maybe it had gotten weak in health slightly because I also...
  17. P

    Oh no, is this powdery mildew?

    Like title says, is it? None of my other peppers or tomatoes have it and figure if it was blown into the plant they all would since In the same area. Thank in advance
  18. P

    Male or female or herm

    Do you just pollinate the same plants buds with its own pollen? And wouldn't the seeds come out male?
  19. P

    Too late to transfer to final pot?

    Started from seed beginning of May, put outside 3rd week of May. 3.5' tall from top of soil. In 5 gal pot, northern Ohio. Can I still transfer to 10gal pot? And is it male or female? Thank you everyone.
  20. P

    Well it's not really worth it.

    So after this first and only grow I am done. For just the cost in the lights, fan and filter I could have drove into Michigan and got 5 ounces, and each half a different 25% thc or more, for $250-$300 and some good carts. Living in a state that it isn't legal to grow also make it more difficult...