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  1. lemmy714

    Kens GDP Changed to Dungeon Vault Genetics

    Just a heads up, has a DVG drop today. US seed bank out of Washington. I want to see this company succeed because they are so close to me and do good business.
  2. lemmy714

    leave issue

    Since in hydro, back to the roots. Are they healthy looking?
  3. lemmy714

    leave issue

    Ive never used CFL's but a good rule is if your hand feels hot from the light, its too hot for the plants
  4. lemmy714

    leave issue

    your ph is fine then if hydro
  5. lemmy714

    Lemmy's LED/HPS Hybrid Grow

    What sucked about this is I cloned the male before I realized it was male and mixed it up with the other Kobain Clones.:wall:
  6. lemmy714

    leave issue

    Your ph is a little low, but not that low. I don't think it is the cause of your problems but Ideal PH for soil is 6.5. Raising it a tad wouldn't hurt you.
  7. lemmy714

    leave issue

    I would try a flush to wash out any built up salts preventing the plant from absorbing the nutes. But wait until we get more opinions.
  8. lemmy714

    leave issue

    Important thing to do is to take your time and be sure what the problem is. Trying to fix a problem that doesnt exist can worsen the real problem. Wait for more opinions.
  9. lemmy714

    leave issue

    Normally feeding schedules are too much. The company wants you to use the nutes faster so you buy more.
  10. lemmy714

    leave issue

    Calcium def, phosphorus def, and nute burn are all possibilities.
  11. lemmy714

    leave issue

    More info needed. Temps? PH level? Soil? Nutrients used? Its hard to say without all the variables listed.
  12. lemmy714

    Wonder why not many people aren't into the Magnum auto?

    Gave you some likes and quoted you so you can gain access faster
  13. lemmy714

    Lemmy's LED/HPS Hybrid Grow

    Before and after SST. Pics are one day apart. Corn seed was used for this SST
  14. lemmy714

    Hyroot's Garden

    Hopefully they never ask for it back then...
  15. lemmy714

    Hyroot's Garden

    When are you giving the light back to them?
  16. lemmy714

    Lemmy's LED/HPS Hybrid Grow

    Adonis day 10 of 12/12
  17. lemmy714

    Lemmy's LED/HPS Hybrid Grow

    Kobain Kush day 10 of 12/12
  18. lemmy714

    Lemmy's LED/HPS Hybrid Grow

    Nightmare Cookies day 10 of 12/12
  19. lemmy714

    Your latest seed purchase?

    I'm doing some kobain kush now but only on day 8 of 12/12. Look for Lemmys hps/led hybrid grow in grow journals.
  20. lemmy714

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Just found out Red Eye is backcrossing GG4. Maybe he plans to re-do glue trap with that.