Their was one pic that looked like it had hairs ,
I went back and looked again and it was a node where new growth was at and a lttle fan leave was turned and it just appeared to like like some hairs
Sorry my man i should have looked batter
What does the LH mean my man ?
Looks good my man
Id lower the screen also man and start the scrog ,
Their already flowering , i like to have the scrog started before they flower , but looks really good my man
Colloidal Silver , spray on plant everyday untill she starts turning , might take up to 2 weeks
Also you can stress the fuck out of a good strong female and force her to hermi so she pollinates herself , dont try anything from male plants or your fem seeds will have a way more higher chance of...
So how is that working my man ?
Is it pumping water through the tube on top of your pebbles then back down through the pump again ?
What the gph on that pump ?
I just harvest N.l and the smell was not strong at all
it has a sweet smell to it imo , you will be fine , just make sure you have some filters if your that worried , but n.l is not a big smeller , but taste fucking good ,:weed:
Yea hopefully my man ,
But i might let these finish out before i put more in my man cuz my next grow i want to veg a couple of weeks first , these now are 12/12 from seed
Still no pics from wizard ?
These pics are a little blurry ( sorry you all )
This thread should just be a 12/12 party cup thread instead of a challenge imo anyway
Just look at the 12/12 from seed growers
When they sprout they do not automatically start growing hairs , it normally takes a few weeks before they start flowering
Yes you can leave on 24/7
Their are a lot of growers who does this tho help keep short and bushy , although im not 100% sure if it works since iv never grown 24/7
Yes you can just pollinate one branch for seeds and the rest of the plant be seed free
Fdd has a good thread on seed production
Just collect the pollen from a male and put it in a glass jar or something like that
You can use a paint brush to dip in the pollen and gently brush it on the...