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  1. Squidkid

    What do you guys do with all your trim?

    Ice water and some good hash bags.not alot of pressure. 200f° 50u bag.dry sift with same temp and solvents needed.
  2. Squidkid

    What i got goin at the moment.

    120 bubble hash.200f°..50 micron bag..2 minutes.had back .68g...
  3. Squidkid

    First squishin..

    This is from the 120u bag from when I did some hash the other day.i only do 220,120 and 25 bag.anyways 1.13g in a 50 micron bag at 200 for 2 minutes.
  4. Squidkid

    First squishin..

    Thank ya buddy.i have.its pretty good.real tasty. .just did the bubble hash the other day I am about to press the 120.will press the 25 press is a small personal press.
  5. Squidkid

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    21 days from flip
  6. Squidkid

    What i got goin at the moment.

    21 days from flip.
  7. Squidkid

    First squishin..

    So I did a quick sift on about 4 ounces of whole plant i hung up and dried.then I put it in the freezer for god I don't know let's say a I got 2.07 grams of sift.used a 50 micron bag at 200f° for 2 back 1.07 grams.
  8. Squidkid

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Did some dry sift and got 2.07 grams.squished the shit out of it at 200 f° for 2 back 1.07 grams.with a 50 micron bag.
  9. Squidkid

    What i got goin at the moment.

    So I did some dry sift and got 2.07 grams.squished the shit out of it at 200 f° for 2 back 1.07!
  10. Squidkid

    What i got goin at the moment.

    About a week in the jars.pioneed #1Pioneer #2orang blossom special
  11. Squidkid

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Thanks got done a little early.i will take it a little longer this go round.about 70 to 74 days.well obs is a sativa it with my coffee in the morning.little stoney in the beginning then leveling out to a nice get some shit done mood.
  12. Squidkid

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Pioneer #1pioneer #2 and obs.just about a week in the jars.obs literally smells and tastes like a straight up orange.the pioneer is really good super funk!pungent!!
  13. Squidkid

    What i got goin at the moment.

    Kimbo kush,Orange blossom special and pioneer 1&2 clones kickin pretty good.14 days from flip.
  14. Squidkid

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Obs and pioneer 1&2 clones are lookin good for only 14 days from flip.
  15. Squidkid

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Be will happen.all in due time.
  16. Squidkid

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Pioneer and obs.7 days since flip.
  17. Squidkid

    Drying time ✔️

    Long as some good air is passing over em so ya don't mold.see why not.give it a shot and keep an eye on em.
  18. Squidkid

    Drying time ✔️

    14 days is my regular drying time knock the fans off and hang her up with good air flow.
  19. Squidkid

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    new run about a week into flip.4 pioneer,1 obs and 3 kimbo.running the kimbo out to make room for different stuff.
  20. Squidkid

    What i got goin at the moment.

    Everything run a little taller going into flip than I like.only reason is my kimbo is a real squatter.anyways 3 kimbo,4 pioneer and 1 obs.