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  1. BriD

    Settings for mars hydro ts3000

    I have the tsl2000 and find 60% @ 24" is just right for seedlings, planning to up to 95% for veg then 100% for flower.
  2. BriD

    LED AutoFlower Grow Diary 3rd Time Lucky

    Hi guys only started growing this year. Started with a digital HPS and failed pretty bad due to hi temps, hi humidity and low experience. I've since acquired a new LED light and done quite a lot more reading. So i thought i would start a grow diary, Maybe i can get some pointers if/when i start...
  3. BriD

    Hi Guy's and Geldem's

    Hi folks, Thought it was time to join in on the discussion. Dabbled with HPS a few times always had heat issues. I have a new LED setup now. Planning to do a grow diary, maybe get a few pointers. Hi.