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  1. keep it real.

    why these sallad-leafs? and yellowish leafs..

    ok if you have one water your plant with higher phed water like 6.5 and your problem will be solved
  2. keep it real.

    why these sallad-leafs? and yellowish leafs..

    5.8 is more of a hydro set up you should never go below 6.3 get a liquid ph tester and ph water to about 6.5 and you will be fine.
  3. keep it real.

    Leaves curling upward

    you said it was the biggest plant right?? thats why its deffo heat problem the leaves curling up is a 100% due to heat.
  4. keep it real.

    why these sallad-leafs? and yellowish leafs..

    they reallly dont look to bad it could be to much or not enought nitrogen but before you add anything! fix the ph your h should be 6.3-6.9
  5. keep it real.

    why these sallad-leafs? and yellowish leafs..

    well the ph is kinda important you need to know what it is. if you have been feeding them nutes you need to lay off them and get the ph right before you cause any damage nicce stems on those tho damn those stems could withstand a hurricane lol
  6. keep it real.

    Curl after Flush ?

    she looks over watered and she looks like the ph is off with a slight nute burn or its just the lights to close. whats the ph, whats the temps
  7. keep it real.

    Plants get kinda droopy in the afternoon...

    or maybe just do like 2 waterings a day 1 like 30mins before the lights come on soo the plant can use it before its day starts kinda like me and my coffee lol. and then one like 4 hours before the lights turn off. that's all I can think of hope i was any help too you =]
  8. keep it real.

    Plants get kinda droopy in the afternoon...

    im not a pro but i was thinking is there might not be enough oxygen in the water how many rockstones you have in there maybe try just one more?
  9. keep it real.

    My Plants New Leaves only are YELLOW very bright yellow no green HELP

    well you might wanna check the ph of the water before using also move the lights close if possible. if they are already really close i don't know.
  10. keep it real.

    My Plants New Leaves only are YELLOW very bright yellow no green HELP

    whats the temps like what light and how close. maybe some pics would help.
  11. keep it real.

    My Plants New Leaves only are YELLOW very bright yellow no green HELP

    how old is she are you adding nutes whats your water cycle, what water.
  12. keep it real.

    young plant problems help appreciated

    well one think i saw was that the soil doesnt have any perlite in it that helps to keep the roots supplied with oxygen, does the cup have any holes in the bottom. but i don't see any problems, does the soil already have fert in it? they might cause the lower leaves to burn off.
  13. keep it real.

    I dont know what I am doing :S

    yea marijuana can grow much easier outdoors if the temps are ok. inside you have to do more.
  14. keep it real.

    how long should i wait before adding nutes

    she has about 6 nodes, soo i should start ferting now? and yes mother its mg soil.
  15. keep it real.

    how long should i wait before adding nutes

    sorry didnt add much info its in a 1/2 gallon pot and its maybe 6 inch.
  16. keep it real.

    how long should i wait before adding nutes

    the soil i got says feeds up to 6 months i know it wasn't a good idea, but how long until i will need to add nutes
  17. keep it real.

    question about watering

    also i have one more question the soil im using says feeds up to 6 months how long should i wait before I need to add nutes. the pots is only about 1/2 gallon
  18. keep it real.

    question about watering

    anyone? please
  19. keep it real.

    question about watering

    I have the moister tester for the soil and it has a scale 0-10, 0-3 are in red 4-7 in green 8-10 in blue, what should I wait for her to drop to before I water. I have been waiting till 3 but don't know if i should go lower. any opinions?