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  1. meangreengrowinmachine

    Ladybug offspring or ladybug food?

    dang it they cant ship until monday so still on the squish hunt... I hate these things so much lol
  2. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    sadly ingestion does absolutely nothing to me but I am all about testing via inhalation! In fact trying some out now!! :bigjoint:
  3. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    This is the best explanation I have heard thank you!! 10% in like the rxs we take!? Holy shit no wonder... I always thought I was imagining that some times they seemed more effective then others! So I guess the bottom line is use that number as a VERY rough guideline and maybe go more with...
  4. meangreengrowinmachine

    I'm old.. what am I doing wrong?

    I have seen these pics or ones like it I just did not know if they hatched looking like that or what? at least the Mantis and lacewings will have a food supply... for a while lol I have a feeling the mantis will be eating the lace wing larvae eventually but hey as long as they are ready for the...
  5. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    everyone always so heated lol
  6. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    I mean only high school, I understand what you are saying I just do not think they are applying the math they way that you say that they are. That is for sure how it SHOULD be applied you are right. sorry to upset you or make you think that I am :bigjoint:
  7. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    why would you think that I am upset, I just think the system is very silly, and leads to a lot of ridiculous % claims that can never be backed up or disputed. Like I said I smoke it all the same :bigjoint: :peace: Sorry if my intensity comes of as anger it definitely is NOT that my friends...
  8. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    You are right my comparison was not accurate though. Percentage of lbs in my case works out how you say yes. But percentage margin of a percentage...
  9. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    I undeterstand the math hoops you are trying to jump through here I just don't think that is what they are doing. Maybe I'm wrong. I still smoke it either way I just don't put any weight in those numbers.
  10. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    I dont think that is what they are doing but ok. Using a percentage scale but then saying that the percentage variance is on a DIFFERENT percentage scale... in the very least can be misinterpreted and at the worst very easily misconstrued.
  11. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    Tolerance "getting" high lololol my friend its been there for years.. I just mean the fact that they can put that amount of margin of error and still call it a legitimate test is ridiculous unless of course your measuring huge numbers. Measuring 10s of percentage points but then allowing for as...
  12. meangreengrowinmachine

    I'm old.. what am I doing wrong?

    Some pics for today. Went in and squished what I could.. I really hope I'm not killing very small lady bug larvae but whatever they don't seem to be doing shit... collateral damage now lololol
  13. meangreengrowinmachine

    Ladybug offspring or ladybug food?

    Hell yeah! I can't wait!!!!
  14. meangreengrowinmachine

    Cannafarms strongest weed is 3%, THREE PERCENT THC!!!

    Is there every going to be an ACCURATE test? all the products I see are +or - %10 is that.. that is not accurate AT ALL.. so its 8% .... or fucking eight TEEN?? that is a HUGE difference! or 18 to 28?? seriously ridiculous that this is an "industry standard" thats not a standard thats a...
  15. meangreengrowinmachine

    I'm old.. what am I doing wrong?

    Gorgeous! So frosty!
  16. meangreengrowinmachine

    Ladybug offspring or ladybug food?

    Broke down and paid the stupid shipping for the 1k green lacewing larvae.. these things better work! lol Going to get 4 little mantis also. I am going to war with Aphids! (we have a geneva convention though... no chemical weapons)
  17. meangreengrowinmachine

    Are these balls? Some pollination going on

    Nah "hip seeds" a lot of old cats call them... some old hippies even say you can chuck a very small bit of pollen right there early on and get seeds JUST right there. Never dared it myself but the dude I first learned to grow from when I was a weee teen swears you can do that.
  18. meangreengrowinmachine

    I'm old.. what am I doing wrong?

    yep tried the laser today very inaccurate since the light goes through the glass... will have to pick one of these up... then the ever present debate what temp to dab at lol
  19. meangreengrowinmachine

    I'm old.. what am I doing wrong?

    sounds accurate to me! :leaf: :peace: :bigjoint: