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  1. HighLife4Me

    Club 600

    The exo cheese's our starting to fill in now. They were flushed 5 days ago, upped the nutes on her today. The next 2 weeks might be nice, depending on my ballast. Witch brings me to a question. Got a ipower 600w ballast. Starting a few weeks ago the hps would not kick on right away. I have to...
  2. HighLife4Me

    Club 600

    Thx man :D.. Yea its always a little stretchy. Its the most consistently "stinky"(srry lol sticky also) strain i've grown. The weight always comes later. The only downfall is that its a 9 10 week'er mostly. It puts on some weight. Its probably a mid ranged bud size. They dont get really fat...
  3. HighLife4Me

    Club 600

    Heres a pic of one of my exo cheese's from GHS. Shes in early flower. They broke my smellOmeter like always. Have a couple new strains im trying now. One that sticks out is Bubble Bud From Black Skull. So far, its packing on weight fast and the bubblegum smell is already coming through. Its not...
  4. HighLife4Me

    hps heat question

    I would go with the hps. You want it to be around 80 degrees under the light so transpiration can take place. IMO hps is way better than t5's for flowering. There will be a little more heat but not much. Its fairly easy to keep most rooms cool with only a 250w hps running.
  5. HighLife4Me

    Digital Ballast Question

    I just got a 600w ipower. I have it close to my tv and router. No problems yet. ipower has an internal rf shield. as long as your ballast is about 10ft away from any cables or electronics it should be fine. Make sure theres no cables in the wall close to the ballast. I also read that if you...
  6. HighLife4Me

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    GHS through attitude. always quality. -Happy Customer
  7. HighLife4Me

    Has Anyone had Germination Problems with Seeds from Attitude Lately?

    DK77 this is the 2nd thread you dusted off today :D. I always use GHS seeds. Order them through tude.. They work for me 90% of the time. 4 out of 30 sounds a little crazy. Never had that much bad luck. 2 bad out of 10 is the worse i've seen it.
  8. HighLife4Me

    Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

    Got some in a couple days ago. I always order with no added protection. Mostly order about 10 seeds, it comes in a very small package no box, just a small manila type envelope. 6-0 so far. *knocks on wood*.. :D
  9. HighLife4Me

    what are you running now ?

    Growing BigBang,Kalashnikova,ExoCheese,BlueThai,BubbleBud.. Most from GHS. I always have some exo cheese going. :leaf:
  10. HighLife4Me

    Terrible time germinating Attitude seeds

    Attitude is the BEST. Did you blow the dust off of this thread first? :DDD jk
  11. HighLife4Me

    Club 600

    lets green up this page some more.. :leaf: :leaf:
  12. HighLife4Me

    Club 600

    Some pics of my first 600w grow. Was using a 150w & cfls for the last few years. Safe to say the difference is amazing. These were grown mostly under 12/12. I just root them for 14days with 18/6 cycle. Exocheese,Kalashnikova,BlueThai,BubbleBud,BigBang and some Reg weed.
  13. HighLife4Me

    First time LST 2nd grow.

    Damn, that sucks. Vegging like that then turns out to be male. Everyone has been through that. Its crappy. I just found this out a few months ago. So far 100% accurate. Hope it helps
  14. HighLife4Me

    I went to the store today to buy a new pipe

    ahh srry.. rolled to fat of a joint :(. i need to stop breaking my pipes. :DD
  15. HighLife4Me

    I went to the store today to buy a new pipe

    Im lost. Whos bitching about obamas drug laws?
  16. HighLife4Me

    I went to the store today to buy a new pipe

    no always lived in fl.. Was just ticked off. That shop is really close sucks he has no pipes now...... and wish i was still underage.
  17. HighLife4Me

    I went to the store today to buy a new pipe

    Went to my local pipe shop to find his 100s of pipes gone. In its place 5 different kinds of wooden tobacco pipes. hopfully its just him.. It is a small smoke shop..
  18. HighLife4Me

    I went to the store today to buy a new pipe <-- this is why
  19. HighLife4Me

    I went to the store today to buy a new pipe

    All glass, metal, wooden, plastic any are illegal in florida as of july 1st.. only thing you can buy are old school tobacco pipes.
  20. HighLife4Me

    I went to the store today to buy a new pipe

    no just couldnt purchase a pipe.. :(