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    AK Bean Brains

    Mail just got in! Thanks to everyone for all of the valuable info through this thread. It took my two weeks to make up my mind
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    Aussie High Lights – we're official

    Hey guys, wanted to share my little build that I completed a little while back. I snagged a few boards and wanted to put up a test run until we can settle into a new home. Running 2 high light UV boards with a HLG -240H-48B, and there is a HLG 100 4000K nestled in the middle. Sourced dimmers...
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    Vermicompost as primary compost source?

    From my experience it has been 50% base (peat) and 40% humus is the most you would want to go for a mix
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    4x8 geo planter... No till or ROLS?

    That pump sprayer is 100% the beat way to water directly where your seeds are. Do the same here even with blu mats set up
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    Raised no till bed in a 4x4 tent

    For soil mixes, if you want to mix yourself then there’s a good chunk of recipes out there. I like mountain organics mixes. If you have the ability to purchase in bulk locally that would be ideal. I needed up going with Buildasoils loving soil mix and it’s fantastic
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    Raised no till bed in a 4x4 tent

    For the bed, grassroots fabric pots make 4x4 living soil beds that are awesome. I’m a big believer in the raised bed with as much cover cropping and inter planting as you can jam in there to get a nice living mulch
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    Latest soil test for recycling/re-amending - looking for some thoughts on input choices

    Good to know about the sulfur in the big 6, didn’t think about that either
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    Good Veg & Flower Tea

    Love making teas myself, also have had good results with green bicycles tea
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    My first ever no till cycle.

    That’s a nice little harvest you got there from that run. Kudos for logging your experience it can be a real pain in the ass with living soil.
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    The Dons' Organic Garden

    I’m curious about the aloe ferment as well. Is it made along the lines of an FPJ or FFJ?
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    Best advice for organic growing

    Also you should read teaming with microbes by Jeff lowenfells, great book to give you an idea of what’s going on in your soil.
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    Best advice for organic growing

    Take a good look into getting yourself started and always on top of the ball with your IPM. Proper planning of beneficial insects can save your butt big time.
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    Logan Soil Results

    KIS does have something very similar to BAS Big 6, totally hear you on wanting to support people in your area.
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    I've been fighting Mn problems since I started organic growing and I think that I solved it.

    That’s some really good info on growing pains. Never really considered chelating the nutrients all together and adding at once. But once I hear it it makes complete sense. Thank you!!
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    Powdery⁸ Mildew and L.A.B serum

    LAB absolutely works but ideally more as a preventative so that it can hopefully never get to this point and take up the leafs surface with healthy microbes. However it can still help. PM lives both in and outside of the plant. I’d get rid of it but that’s just me.
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    Living Soil, Light Intensity, and LED’s

    What are you running your temps at? Are you above 80 and keeping that humidity up to stay in the ideal VPD range?
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    Mushroom in my soil?

    can’t help with the ID but I’ve had similar fungi with my soil, all good things from my experience. What are your ingredients in your tea?
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    Dick does dank 2.0

    Awesome to see the living soil at work!! Looking to do a very similar setup in respect to the medium myself
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    The site is definitely looking cleaner and all of the images on the posts that I have been reviewing have all worked great. So far so good!
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    Quantum Board lighting 5x5 tent

    Have you considered a strip build, could be one of the most cost effective options and you can get very even coverage