I think the plants are finally getting a little happy. I should have read more about the autos and transplanting but live and learn. All plants are outside getting uninterrupted sunlight (apart from clouds). Trying to let top inch dry before watering has seemed to help growing..
Transferred one into a 5gl bucket full of food. The rest of the autos i managed to transfer most into what larger containers i could find for now. My photos are doing well. Auto get sun from morning to sunset then go under 150w light over night
Thank you I was just reading about starting in final pot lol. Live and learn :) I will most likely transplant this Thursday night and keep under a light for a few days since frost is coming...
Hello everyone, this is my first real attempt at growing outdoors. So far I have 7 auto blueberry just about a week old
Any advice would be appreciated
I also have 5 plant that are about 2 weeks old but they are not autos. thanks for any info