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  1. Weedburger

    Low stress training.

    Hello RIU! So my question is about LST, I got 1meter or more tall plant which is placed in greenhouse and I just started to LST her, take a look. Will she be alright or I shouldn't do that? I have red that people do it from start, but I didn't want to, since she's much bigger now and everyone...
  2. Weedburger

    Silly question.

  3. Weedburger

    I need some info! *click here*

    Maybe your plant is Auto? Anyway, keep it up.
  4. Weedburger

    About water and PH

    Added Cal/Mag and everything looks fine now, now thinking about LST, do you think it's good time to LST?
  5. Weedburger

    About water and PH

    Let me get this clear... Your saying that I shouldn't even take measurements with ph meter and just add nutriets as allways? Before an hour I watered my plant with river water which was 350ppm and added fertilizers which contained also Mg and for extra added N - Cal nutrients (both liquid)...
  6. Weedburger

    About water and PH

    Doest look fine to me. Look at those young leaves, discoloured arround and nicely green in the middle. I think i will add calcium/mag nutes and will see how it will work out.
  7. Weedburger

    About water and PH
  8. Weedburger

    About water and PH

    Hello everyone. As Im growing my plants in greenhouse, I cant take measurements from runoff so I dont know whats my soils ph, how should i do it? Another thing, im watering my plants with river water and my ph meter shows that it has 8.3ph which is too high, what should i do? Add lemon Juice...
  9. Weedburger

    Plant problem, recommendations are very welcome.

    Thought it's Calcium def, but ok, will back on the nutes, thanks.
  10. Weedburger

    Plant problem, recommendations are very welcome.

    Hi RIU members! Few days ago I saw some spots on my fan leaves, all what I can say that I'm growing in greenhouse, humidity is a bit higher than it should be, about 60%. Temps are 30+/- 5 degrees per celsius in days and 15 in nights. Maybe you can see that there is a bit mold because of high...
  11. Weedburger

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    This is awesome! Will follow your girls. Best wishes.
  12. Weedburger

    Problems with my plant.

    Ok, I got it and I will transplant it to another place tomorrow. Just one more thing I wanted to ask. Today I saw some spots on leaves, do you think it's calcium def?
  13. Weedburger


    It's not mold for sure. This is how mold looks like. I would say it's because of foil, but wait for others to comment.
  14. Weedburger


    Get rid of that foil! Foil is burning your plant. Better use white paper instead of foil.
  15. Weedburger

    Problems with my plant.

    Hello RIU! So I planted my babe in greenhouse with tomatoes and yee it's hot in there like 30 degrees (celsius) and more, but the problem is that leaves lays down when temperatures goes down to 20 degrees, why it's that? Plant need more air ventilation? I leave my greenhouse door opened for all...
  16. Weedburger

    Summer 13' grow (late post)

  17. Weedburger

    A little bit about soil.

    Just last question, will plants better grow in sandy soil or in clay soil?
  18. Weedburger

    A little bit about soil.

    I took pictures from two places (two examples). There are like 15m distance between each example taking point. Well, it's rainy for 2-3 days. So when I went there today, you can see that there is no water in that hole, so I think it observe water enough good, but I will test it today so I can...
  19. Weedburger

    A little bit about soil.

    Hi there guys! This is my first year of growing outdoors so I'm reading all information about soils and other things but there is the thing... As my Guerilla grow place is kinda far away from road/car, so I have managed to get there just 5 * 50L potting soil bags. My thinking was that I will...
  20. Weedburger

    second attempt, outdoor grow in sw france

    Great to hear, that you succeed at your first grow. I wish you best luck mate! This will be my first outdoor season, I bought 25 seeds already, but will buy more at March. I'm thinking about starting my season in April. I will have 2 or 3 spots for all my plants, so I hope I will get some buds...