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  1. NebieDewbieGrower

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    I see a bug on the second picture
  2. NebieDewbieGrower

    White lines on leaves? Please help!

    It kind of looks like this.. Possibly a nute deficiency
  3. NebieDewbieGrower

    Is it ready for harvest

    Thank you! As I was asking simply due to all of the errors I made on my plants. They have been stunted, shocked and under watered. I just wanted to see how behind they are from all of the abuse.
  4. NebieDewbieGrower

    One more week?

    ***zooming in trying to figure out what the hell type of holes these are and what wrecked them***
  5. NebieDewbieGrower

    One more week?

    Assholes :lol::lol:
  6. NebieDewbieGrower

    When to harvest???

    Okay... I will keep it steady, as I used to do full until I burned them from mistakenly mixing weeks.. Since then I have been at half and pay attention
  7. NebieDewbieGrower

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    I have white rhino and strawberry cough. They are nice and healthy now, but at the beginning they were stunted a bunch.
  8. NebieDewbieGrower

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    I see one of your leaves are "limp" and a couple of mine look like that..
  9. NebieDewbieGrower

    Is it ready for harvest

    It would.. I have seen a few and was definitely tempted to post.. Already asked in 3 forums
  10. NebieDewbieGrower

    When to harvest???

    Thank you! They didn't start flowering until the end of August and I started half on FF nutes, but have been thinking about giving it the normal amount instead
  11. NebieDewbieGrower

    Is it ready for harvest

    I would actually pay for an app for help.. I got my dumbass on my app store and they have some that does tracking for you.. In all reality, I would pay and I am going to look at the apps I saw.. LOL
  12. NebieDewbieGrower

    Is it ready for harvest

  13. NebieDewbieGrower

    Is it ready for harvest

    That would be nice... I don't know how much longer mine has to go and I am having the hardest time trying to find anything on the forum.
  14. NebieDewbieGrower

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    My plants is even having some of the leaves go "limp" too... A couple have fell off.. I feel like I should be using full strength FF instead of half.. At first I was a REAL shitshow with my plants and was terrible.. I still am trying and have gotten better
  15. NebieDewbieGrower

    When to harvest???

    First time grower and am wondering how many more weeks until they will be ready?? Didn't do a great job, so they are tiny.
  16. NebieDewbieGrower

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    Question... How much more time do you think I need to keep growing her?
  17. NebieDewbieGrower

    GG4 outdoors canoeing leaves?

    I have tapered back on the nutes, but that is what ff specified. I have always done my nutes at half since I burned them early on after I mixed weeks
  18. NebieDewbieGrower

    GG4 outdoors canoeing leaves?

    When it rained and I brought mines in, one of my plants rolled up as such.. Should I keep them outside until harvest?
  19. NebieDewbieGrower

    GG4 outdoors canoeing leaves?

    What does low rh mean?
  20. NebieDewbieGrower

    Is this mold on my bud?

    I will buy me some, as I saw them all the time on my brocolli that never grew...