Thank you! As I was asking simply due to all of the errors I made on my plants. They have been stunted, shocked and under watered. I just wanted to see how behind they are from all of the abuse.
Okay... I will keep it steady, as I used to do full until I burned them from mistakenly mixing weeks.. Since then I have been at half and pay attention
Thank you! They didn't start flowering until the end of August and I started half on FF nutes, but have been thinking about giving it the normal amount instead
I would actually pay for an app for help.. I got my dumbass on my app store and they have some that does tracking for you.. In all reality, I would pay and I am going to look at the apps I saw.. LOL
My plants is even having some of the leaves go "limp" too... A couple have fell off.. I feel like I should be using full strength FF instead of half.. At first I was a REAL shitshow with my plants and was terrible.. I still am trying and have gotten better