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  1. meangreengrowinmachine

    Swami Seeds

    Thank you! For helping me take my foot out my mouth :bigjoint:
  2. meangreengrowinmachine

    Swami Seeds

    Oh ok sorry bout that. That dude IS who I was talking about.
  3. meangreengrowinmachine

    Gage Green Group Seeds?

    No shit right!?
  4. meangreengrowinmachine

    Swami Seeds

    Oh shit that's not the dude you all are talking about!?
  5. meangreengrowinmachine

    Swami Seeds

    Not a troll or a hater that's just how it is.
  6. meangreengrowinmachine

    Swami Seeds

    Dude is incredibly hyped, he is a white dude pretending to be an Indian shaman... fuck that guy
  7. meangreengrowinmachine

    Swami Seeds

    Oh hey another hype train! Just like GGG! :lol:
  8. meangreengrowinmachine

    Gage Green Group Seeds?

    Yeah they are insane, I don't know who is buying this gear but WOW!
  9. meangreengrowinmachine

    Gage Green Group Seeds?

    Let the hype flooooow through you!
  10. meangreengrowinmachine

    Should I wash my buds? And how?

    Man is it just the year of the spider mite?? I have been growing for over 10 years in many different locations and different... maybe non ideal environments and I have never had to deal with them like this year. I will be doing the same bud rinsing because of this which I swore I would never do...
  11. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    I just hope they get here and hatch in time to hwlp with this crop... going to have to get more aggressive in the mean time ans hope I don't ruin my flowers in the process :wall:
  12. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    I ordered some green lacewing eggs for now. I'll get some of these guys too, hell why not a mantis or two while im at it! Get a whole herd of these predators! Guessing the mantis would.start taking out the lady bugs though lol
  13. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    Hell yeah get em little guy!! That video is great!
  14. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    Hmm I don't know about that stuff.. maybe something I would use between grows though.
  15. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    Ordered up 1000 eggs hopefully they will come out in time to help, I will continue with my iso and water regiment for now. Fingers crossed!
  16. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    Thanks I'll have to grab some of those guys up!
  17. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    I am using cobs with no think the lady bugs might actually be able to damage the surfaces?
  18. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    So question for you... how do you keep the 1000 lady bugs JUST in the grow space? Or do I just deal with having lady bugs all over lol
  19. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    Yeah thats I think my path forward also :-(
  20. meangreengrowinmachine

    Spider mites

    I would have got some this run but evey place I looked was sold out. I guess I should just use ebay