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  1. Pmurp

    First-time grower

    add a little extra perlite to the mix too
  2. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    Just made a new foliar spray with a little less than 1/4 tsp of epsom salt no fish fert. I’ll spray it first thing tomorrow when lights are going off
  3. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    Okay I’ll keep updating periodically to see when I should add. Sounds like a lesson learned on that one :lol::wall:
  4. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    Sounds like coast of Maine is the route I’ll take then. Back to the 15-30-15 I already added, did I shoot myself in the foot? Is it worth it to remove? Especially when I try to add the kelp / lobster fert
  5. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    Here’s an update on the plant by the way
  6. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    Thanks, I appreciate the honesty. And I was able to find and mix the foliar spray. But I’m still confused when it comes to the kelp / lobster fert. Any you’d recommend? I was looking at the coast of Maine stonington mix if that works
  7. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    I’m pretty clueless at this point, don’t let the “well known member” fool you. I’m trying to learn as I grow but at the moment I’m pretty over my head. Shockingly my first grow was MUCH easier than this
  8. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    Isn’t that something I would have had to do before transplanting and being put into flower? I got the FFHF thinking it was a decent super soil to try to avoid all of this hassle. Quickly finding out how that decision worked out. in the meantime I don’t know much about fertilizers or the uptake...
  9. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    Do you think it’s a potential threat to the plant / yield? If it’s worth it I can get the Dr. Earth bud + bloom booster and just take out the worm castings / fert and replace it. I just don’t want to fuck this plant up worse haha
  10. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    did exactly this short of the fruit and flower. Closest thing I could find at the Home Cheapo was some 15-30-15 bold blooms with time release. Should I continue to feed 1/2 strength nutes? Or just plain water.
  11. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    Sounds good, just for my future reference / grow journal, what does this bandaid do / when should it be used? Also just to clarify 1/4 tsp for BOTH fish emulsion AND epsoms? Would i have to try to avoid the bud sites with the foliar spray?
  12. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    The NPK trio at 1/2 strength, last nitrogen feeding was a week and a half ago
  13. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    Luckily I know it’s out of my pH range. And thankfully I’m getting real responses now
  14. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    I’ll get some work castings later today. But I don’t know of any local place that carries the fruit and flower, fastest I’d be able to get it would be Thursday. Would there be any other kinds? Or should I just wait till Thursday (not sure how big of a pressing issue it is)
  15. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    The NPK trio. All 1/2 strength. Last nitrogen feeding was to correct a def about 2 weeks ago
  16. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    FFHF soil
  17. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    No one has any ideas?
  18. Pmurp

    At a loss once again

    So last night I noticed my plant was starting to droop, the pot felt light and soil felt dry so I watered plain pH 6.5. this morning when I checked on the plant it still looks droopy but with much more yellow than last night. It’s my second grow and this ones been problem after problem. Is it...
  19. Pmurp

    Calcium def? Or something else

    I have the NPK trio that I’ve been using at 1/2 strength since 5/16 and some cal-mag but haven’t fed the cal-mag yet. Problem with that link is I still don’t really understand what I’m looking at here