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  1. mauricem00

    Don't fk with China, you'll lose

    actually the us dollars has been backed by middle east oil since the late 70's but if interest rates go up because china stops buying our bonds then the value of the dollar on the Forex market will go down and the price of oil and everything else will go the end all Americans will pay for...
  2. mauricem00

    Don't fk with China, you'll lose

    isn't china one of our biggest creditors? trump messed with the wall street banks til they dropped him. if china stops buying our debt seems like that would collapse our economy. what is he thinking?
  3. mauricem00

    All things CBD Thread

    thanks.I got a discount from lazarus because I am disabled and now only pay 67 cents a dose instead of $15 a dose at the local dispensary. and it is high quality CBD. thank you for the recommendation
  4. mauricem00

    Best CBD for chronic back pain

    I've found that AC/DC works well. (2%thc 15% cbd) I have also used a cbd tincture from lazarus naturals with great results and they give me a 60% discount because I'm disabled. this is a full spectrum CBD thats more effective for me and my roommate than...
  5. mauricem00

    Uncle Joe a Perv?

    people in new york or SAN Francisco may be ready for a unisex world but most of the country is not.this disconnect is why trump won the election and if a woman wins the democratic nomination by attacking men and traditional values trump will win the 2020 election and the woman's movement and...
  6. mauricem00

    Uncle Joe a Perv?

    looks like these democratic woman are trying to give us 4 more years of trump.they sound like a bunch of spoiled school girls. get a platform that appeals to most Americans or get out of the race and let someone who has a chance of beating trump run.radical feminist will kill the democratic party
  7. mauricem00

    Uncle Joe a Perv?

    I think miss Flores harmed herself and her efforts to reform immigration laws.with this clearly political attack.more than she hurt Mr Biden. this was not sexual harassment.trying to elevate it to that level hurts her credibility.I am proud to be a democratic socialist and I support single payer...
  8. mauricem00

    Grades for all!

    bailing out the banks was not socialism. all wealth is created by workers. one goal of socialism is to insure that workers are allowed to keep a fair share of the wealth they produce.when wealth becomes too centralized it always lead to rebellion.under the socialist policies of Roosevelt this...
  9. mauricem00

    Grades for all!

    socialism is the natural counter balance to fascism and is based on natural law.socialist principals are found in the law of Moses and guided the evolution of common law. the declaration of independence is based on socialist values that were used by Rousseau and Locke to justify the civil wars...
  10. mauricem00

    All things CBD Thread

    I agree that quality control is non-existent and have read that the CBD on the market is made from european hemp and much of it contains heavy metals like lead and arsenic. as an mmj patient I can grow my own and grow both SSH for THC and AC/DC for CBD. this allows me to mix THC and CBD for the...
  11. mauricem00

    Germinating seeds how long should you wait?

    I germinate the same way with good results but on rare occasion I've had seed take a week to produce a 1/2 inch tap root.we tend to get impatient with our girls sometimes and this leads to problems
  12. mauricem00


    seems like this would be a good choice on a limiter budget studies have shown that HPS will outperform LEDS and are much more cost...
  13. mauricem00

    Trump touts proposed Bible literacy classes in state schools

    several of our founding fathers were deist. not Christians. the declaration of independence was based on the writings of Rousseau and Locke.and they did not support a state religion.
  14. mauricem00

    Has anyone found they have shorter flowering period with samsung strips

    seems that since most breeders use HPS lights the plants would have adapted to growing under HPS after a few generations.the kind of study posted here is the only reliable way to compare grow lights. the lack of UV provided by HPS or LEDs might result in lower resin (THC and other cannibinoids)...
  15. mauricem00

    Older people and arthritis pain - CBD or some medicinal MMJ?

    I just ordered some AC/DC seeds from pacific seed bank I am a little concerned about CBD oil since I read that oil from European hemp contains heavy metals and growing my own high cbd...
  16. mauricem00

    How to increase THC content

    decarbing will increase potency with edibles. adding UVA light during flowering will also increase THCA and other cannibanoids but pot has a lot of THCA and very little THC. heat is needed to convert THCA into THC. boiling in H2O2 will not create enough heat to convert THCA into THC. temperature...
  17. mauricem00

    Cheap 135w blurple grow progress

    something like this would give you better yields for about the same price as a cheap 300 watt led I have one and it gave me 3 ounces in a small...
  18. mauricem00

    Popular strains for Depression

    super silver haze from ILGM seems to work well for the two people I know that struggle with depression. one has meth related depression caused by brain damage from meth use. it also works well for pain from osteoarthritis which is my qualifying condition for an MMJ patient card
  19. mauricem00

    Best light on the market ?

    I was young ,arrogant and foolish once but 62 years of living has thought me a lot. you ignore experience at your own expense. I was subjected to random drug testing for most of my life and only started growing and using cannabis 5 years ago when I became an MMJ patient. my grow is a legal PU...
  20. mauricem00

    Best light on the market ?

    I am sure that you know more than NASA, PHILLIPS (osram) CREE AND THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN who is working with Phillips to develop LEDs as supplemental lighting for greenhouses.or commercial greenhouse operators.