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  1. Dalek Supreme

    Help me asap please

    Are you able to test ph?You have Epsoms salt handy?whats your dose t/b?light wattage and ballast? you can raise the lights for the plant to catch up for now.I do not know if tiger bloom can be used as a one part.
  2. Dalek Supreme

    sog question

    Thks you answered my question.I just want your opinion if I may?Would you think it would be cheating to get those weights (14g+) with zero veg 12/12 clone (I will stray from saying rooted clone but a clone with roots),then the plant was topped early to mid stretch.Then partial harvest side...
  3. Dalek Supreme

    Fiona Apple arrested at Sierra Blanca stop

    I wonder what revenue they pull from that checkpoint compared to operational costs?
  4. Dalek Supreme

    What Tools are Essential for DWC?

  5. Dalek Supreme

    Why are my plants Wilting/Dieing so quickly

    I do not know Botanical but rule of thumb is not to go by nute label strengths.From established seedling 1/8 th strength of label and work your way up watching your plants as they grow and back off at signs of stress.I would dump and redo if you feel there is hope,and aim for 6 ph if you can...
  6. Dalek Supreme

    sog question

    Even clones from a mature mother under say a 600 watt hps? thks in advance.
  7. Dalek Supreme

    sog question

    I was using a conservitive weight of 10g wich is a guess at so many variables.Now that 1k light of yours can do better because that 10g is based on floros grows I read.Read the link...It is all about perpetual sog from a commercial op.
  8. Dalek Supreme

    sog question

    So many variables.I say start with a conservative weight of 10g dried per plant,and figure how many you can fit on your table...assuming you are using straight to 12/12 rooted clone. btw Imho a clone would be best for sog because it is a mature plant,or same age as mom with same genetics.
  9. Dalek Supreme

    sog question

    I do rooted clone straight to 12/12...sorry forgot to mention. No veg straight to flower. I use .5ml per gal of Dyna Gro Pro Tekt and my plants hold firm but I have limited height of 2 ft cup bottom to floro tubes.
  10. Dalek Supreme

    sog question

    So many variables?To give you one idea.I am still dialing in,and waiting on firm numbers on my new setup. My 2x2x2 ft cab,with 400 watts of floros,and using a 24 oz Hempy cup.I have a strain that when topped mid stretch (to control height) will give me 14g dried per plant.The cab can fit 20...
  11. Dalek Supreme

    What Tools are Essential for DWC?

    Thks Dad....My point to the OP was made in the 1st reply post.The Crastination I received makes me think that you would be lost,and freak out if your meter broke,but I know you will do fine as a plant with burnt tips even in late flower.The poster asked for most basic,and essential tools for...
  12. Dalek Supreme

    Life expectancy for white people plunges

    hhhhmmm? I have to check that out.
  13. Dalek Supreme

    sog question

    I am a dude,and will allways stop by to get Fucted.Puts a smile on my face. :razz:
  14. Dalek Supreme

    Life expectancy for white people plunges

    White people do not die,not here anyway.They are zipped off to another yet pristine earth like planet,and laugh off another 150 yrs in there biologicaly reset body.
  15. Dalek Supreme

    sog question

    I like getting Fucted....LOLZ!
  16. Dalek Supreme

    What Tools are Essential for DWC?

    Hey again BBC lova.I see you dabble in 2 gal (if memory serves me) Hempy's.I like to run micro sog in 12 and 24 oz Hempy cups.I am wondering if nutrient burned tips will have any noticeable effects on yield,taste,or potency considering if one backs off on nute strength when nutrient burned tips...
  17. Dalek Supreme

    What Tools are Essential for DWC? There are people that have loved ones going thru chemo,or some other illness that want to self med,and skip big Pharma.These same people may barely afford living expenses let alone a meter.I know people here are proud of there gardens but I run into...
  18. Dalek Supreme

    Choosing a nutrient line for my first hydro op, what do the fine people of this site

    Lucas Formula should be used in the same ratio throughout the grow. There is a misconception that one should use 5ml of Micro and 10ml of Bloom, when in veg, and switch to 8ml of Micro, and 16ml of Bloom, when flowering. This was never stated by Lucas himself. He originally stated that the...
  19. Dalek Supreme

    PPM Help This worked for me in DWC.It is better to under feed than overfeed.Nute strength among other factors correlates to light intensity the plant uses.When I used GH Flora 3 part.40-50% of the label strengths I used for under 200 watts of cfl's (except for seedlings or newly...
  20. Dalek Supreme

    sog question

    I do not know the answer to your question. Imho I would do 12/12 rooted clone and split the coverage with 2 600 watters.You can compensate with more plants per sq ft and have better penetration for the popcorn. I hope this helps and check out this if not allready checked it...