Alright Lads!
I'm not really doing outdoor this year properly but here's my GG#4.
I knew it was gonna stretch so I LST'd it and topped it a lot. Loved a bit of Ca/Mg recently. She's a darling! Nice bit of bush!
Hope it's ready by mid October...
Happy Birthday to me! Well it was Friday actually but I'm still partying! Next year will be THE big one!! :)
Yup, propped up on a table with red eye! Seems about right! :)
Must be one of the 600's then but how big is the space? One of those in a small tent would be OK. I'm pulling fuck all with a 550 m3/hr TT in a really small room. I took the carbon filter off in that room also! :)
If the RH (relative humidity) goes above 70% the carbon does get wet and won't work.
What's the m3/hr on your fan? That's more important than the size of the tubing. Best to get really powerful fans and turn them
down. I use a fan speed controller on my large one.
My bf is a fucking asshole! Just said to him "I can't believe I'm gonna be 39" and he replies "yeah I should swap you for two 19.5. Year olds!" Wanker!
Seriously, I've looked everywhere. It's really weird. I looked at all the places it could have landed. Even matched up the remaining one to the mark on the wall. :)
So good I'm scared to bring them in the rest of the house! Need to clean up first!
Gifted these clones from true cannabliss yesterday, champion breeder and owner of OG truth. Can't wait to start these purple project!
Nah, he sleeps with me when he can! Whether I permit him or not! :)
It's quite typical for me to fall asleep on the couch and they group around me though.
Unbelievable! Just got to my punk friends house and she found this Samsung in the bin and the sun chair also, propped up against the bin! What a touch!
Here is his (the BF) chocolope from DNA Genetics. That's one seeded plant with lots of LST.
I'm starting to feel like I am running a fucking air b n b! :)
Trouble is that I loved the last lot and this lot just please themselves.
I'm going hydro shop now, they can sort themselves out.