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  1. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    I cant really tell by pics they are blurry, what wrong with it?
  2. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    Thanks man!
  3. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    Day 11 1-Top view 2-Side View **starting LST**
  4. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    oh i am! i already started nutes a couple days ago. anyone know anthing about lsting?
  5. ToHighSamurai

    Raising Humidity?

    your so helpful!!!!
  6. ToHighSamurai

    Raising Humidity?

    what if i were to spray the walls of the box with water ever so often will that work also?
  7. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    Day 10 1-Side view 2-Top view ** no new problems. hope nutes work. and ill probably start LST soon**
  8. ToHighSamurai

    Raising Humidity?

    well i have a dual intake fan which is the bottom ones and a exhuast fan which is the top one i also have a second cylinder intake fan on the side of the box
  9. ToHighSamurai

    Raising Humidity?

    well the temp in my box is 79 degrees F, and i already have a cup of water in corner im going to try the paper towel on top thing first. but yeah my plant it far from that stage in picture today is day 10 Day 9 pics: you can check out my grow thread im doing a day to day post. but yeah...
  10. ToHighSamurai

    Raising Humidity?

    Hey i need help raising Humidity in my stealth box. i already put a cup of water in the room but that is not raising the humidity high enough and doesnt last for a while. Grow room: its not the biggest stealth box neither the smallest but i cant seem to raise the humidity. Any Suggestions????
  11. ToHighSamurai

    First Grow. Yellow Spots. Help!

    could i add 2 tsp of Magical from technaflora to every watering to increase calcium?
  12. ToHighSamurai

    Technaflora Recipe for Success Questions

    Hey if my plant is having calcium deficiency would it be okay to add 2tsp of MagIcal at every watering?
  13. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    Day 9 1-Top view 2-Side View **ok so i started nutes today at 1/2 strength lets see how it goes**
  14. ToHighSamurai

    First Grow. Yellow Spots. Help!

    what do you think is the best thing for me to do? the first to sound easy enough to do
  15. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    ok thanks man
  16. ToHighSamurai

    First Grow. Yellow Spots. Help!

    I want a stealth hydro system it ill try your rockwool way Would mixing un eggshells work
  17. ToHighSamurai

    First Grow. Yellow Spots. Help!

    oh and another update the new leaves that came in arebigger now and i can see them then alsohave these spots on there tips they are light and hard to see right now but i know they are there ill be uploading more pics tonight after work at around 6 (eastern time). now im back into worrying...
  18. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    oh and by the way i plan on starting nutes today when i get out of work, im going 1/4 strengh and seeing how my baby reacts.
  19. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    Does anyone know how to raise RH im at about 50 but i want about 60-65 i already have a cup of water that i change out every couple days but thats just keeping me at about 50. i dont have much floor space to put anything else down, when plants a little bigger and i dont have to raise it up with...
  20. ToHighSamurai

    My First Stealth Grow!

    what you mean?