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  1. OneStonedPony

    "we are sending an armada" to the korean peninsula

    CriticalCheeze's theme song:
  2. OneStonedPony

    "we are sending an armada" to the korean peninsula

    ^^^ because I've got a sense of humor. Go President Trump #MAGA
  3. OneStonedPony

    "we are sending an armada" to the korean peninsula

    @Big_Lou Your girlfriend called into this show. Let's share her question with RIU. Did she break up with you ?
  4. OneStonedPony

    "we are sending an armada" to the korean peninsula

    ^^^ sized up Obama, the Mus-churian Candidate pretty well. Facts are facts, Obama " The Total Pussy " allowed our enemies to run amuck, unchecked for pretty much his entire 8 years. All while claiming his diplomatic moves were making the World a better place. LOL !!! A Real President...
  5. OneStonedPony

    "we are sending an armada" to the korean peninsula

    Yes, it does. Let's keep the costs down, while killing off our enemies. Or we could do it the Libtard way, and simply ignore the problem, until Little Kim the Dick-tator manages to nuke someone, then react with surprise. NOT !!! @cool2burn Amen !!! Obama the Mus-churian Candidate, did...
  6. OneStonedPony

    "we are sending an armada" to the korean peninsula

    I hope President Trump, doesn't bother having the Navy waste all that fuel cruising around in circles. Send a Drone, and give that NK Dick-tator a proper hair cut. Boom !!! Problem solved, then the millions of NK Citizens literally starving, will be able to eat every day. Fuck commies, and...
  7. OneStonedPony

    Donald trump's culture of cruelty

    You're funny, and I guess you favor yourself a computer whizz ? Not even close numb-nuts. Your attempt = Fail !! No bannana for you. Try again.
  8. OneStonedPony

    Donald trump's culture of cruelty

    ^^^ LOL, and if you believe that. Uncle Buck you should move to Iran, or Dearborn, MI. Libtards
  9. OneStonedPony


  10. OneStonedPony


  11. OneStonedPony


    A picture is worth a thousand words. So here's several pics: * * * ^^^ on that last pic, I say Overachievers.
  12. OneStonedPony

    Donald trump's culture of cruelty

    You Libtards make me laugh with all this Putin BS. Obama, Hillary, and Rice ran one hell of a con job on all of you, and cleaned up in the process $$. Obama was the NWO Mus-churian Candidate. Put in place, as a puppet and nothing more. Divide and weaken from within (much more cost effective)...
  13. OneStonedPony

    Donald trump's culture of cruelty

    Nope, about to sign off. Got to get back to work turning some wrenches. Try Fox News on Youtube for the 411.
  14. OneStonedPony

    Which Cannabis specie should I use for Guerilla Growing?

    @Black.Caesar One's I grown outdoors with good results outdoors where Bodhi's Dream Beaver, and ISP's Insane Chem 91. Both yielded plenty of high end dank and didn't need much tending. Both of those are sativa, indica hydrids.
  15. OneStonedPony

    Donald trump's culture of cruelty

    No Muslim ban, only folks (regardless of religion) coming from specific Anti-American Countries who support, and train Ji-Haters and the like. Try watching some Fox News, instead of that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS and get a better feel for the real deal. Less propaganda, more facts.
  16. OneStonedPony

    Donald trump's culture of cruelty

    Doesn't have to, Trump's going to have the DEA grab all that Cartel Money and use it. Their stash houses, tractor trailer rigs, and planes can barely hold it all anyway. Once that wall is complete imports will fall off. Then the prices for domestic can go back up. Who needs brick packed shit...
  17. OneStonedPony

    Insane Seed Posse

    @higher self Yeah, only one female and one run isn't enough to get a good feel for a strain. They clone well so I bet your next run will turn out good. I had four or five females each time I ran them. Pretty much got 5 or 6 out of 10 or 11 seeds each time. I don't run a big setup, so anything...