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  1. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    @testiclees . No, I can't claim that title. You liberals, hold that distinction. Often seen by your use of all caps, or big red letters, while spewing pc terms, and claiming everyone is a racist. You're off topic again. Touché Trump 2016 it's a lock . . . ^^^^^^ speak on...
  2. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    LOL UncleBuck off topic again. . I'm a native born American of Legal Immigrant Parents from Mexico. I'm not overly sensitive when Trump calls for deporting Illegal Mexican Immigrants. Both my mom and dad are both, half white, half mexican. You calling me racist, because I support Trump's...
  3. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    You're liberals, so lets make this simple. A list, liberals like lists. And let's stay on topic, penis size, mommy issues, and all that other ilk, is just your weak liberal brains attempting to get off the topic. POTUS, who's solid, and who's a bought off whore. Trump list: hot wife, money...
  4. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    testiclees Let's call a lying, bought off corporate whore, just that. Let's avoid, soft dishonest language. . . Let's deal with the facts: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, let these people die. She is the worst Secretary of State this Country has ever had. . . . So for those who...
  5. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. . . ^^^^^ here is who I learned about politics from. . .
  6. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    I don't consider him an UnderDog. More an Honest Dawg. I challenge you to watch this, fact check what is presented yourself, and decide from an educated position. . . Gas tank is full, I own my car (zero debt), and I've got plenty of money in my pocket. I also own my own land, currently...
  7. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    Oh how I'm going to enjoy laughing at all you Liberals when the election polls report the final numbers. Hillary = Same old shit, bought off by Wall Street and Big Corporations minons. Doing the 1 %'s bidding. Or Trump = Saying Fuck Wall Street & Big Corporations. He will make America Great...
  8. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    Yes, I can see you are very rattled. Hence the Penis attack. Or maybe that's just your favorite subject ? I'm betting your next move will be to snitch (report posts) you don't agree with. You seem like that type. I feel safe saying also, I don't think you'll honor your bet when Trump wins...
  9. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    ^^^^ here is some music with the name Lou in it. Enjoy Lou, you silly little Liberal. . UncleBuck, See4 and BigLou oh my. UncleBuck, See4 and BigLou oh my. UncleBuck, See4 and BigLou oh my. Strolling down the Political Trail, oh my. . .
  10. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    LOL look everyone UncleBuck is really rattled. He made a bet, and he is now beginning to realize he's going to lose. Let's see, the letters in UncleBuck can spell " Buckle " like under the pressure. Or " Bunk " as in what he's spewing. Is See4 your reach around buddy ? I bet he is ;)...
  11. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    . . ^^^^ Warren says Hillary did the right thing as first lady, then later as Senator Clinton she sold the people out in favor of Wall Street. Wow, there's a surprise, lol. . . ^^^^^ left, and lefter, lol. I guess she's jumped on the sell out train also. . . Hillary feel the Byrne...
  12. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    Hillary 200 plus days with No press conference. Trump almost daily interactions with the media. , Look out Hillary, ^^^ they've got you figured out, they're talking, and people are listening. . . ^^^^^ I love it, the 10 Legendary Lies (Hillary has her own mini-series online, thanks to...
  13. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    You Hillary supporters are so funny to watch. . , . . . Proof mindless zombies roam among us, and they plan to support Hillary. .
  14. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    You're on, it's a bet. If you're right, and Hillary becomes the next POTUS I'll never sign on here again. Man, I'm going to enjoy being the guy, who rid this site of you, your small mind, and childish words. Now when you lose, be a man about it. Don't do the liberal thing, and claim it was...
  15. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    Here's my response using your favorite girl :) I love how you're unable to counter using big boy words. This isn't the sandbox, and we're not in kindergarten. Enjoy the video ;) ^^^ She will not be the next POTUS, too corrupt, too boring, and most people see her for the fake ass, bought...
  16. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    @UncleBuck Watch the video and you might find yourself rethinking that. If I were Obama, I'm beat the bitch down now, while I could.
  17. OneStonedPony


    Great lakes genetics has Insane Chem 91. You get Chem 91 and preinvasion afghans in one strain. Done in 8 - 9 weeks. I'm not into long flowering strains myself.
  18. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

  19. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    . . .
  20. OneStonedPony

    Donald Trump

    ^^^^^^ nicely laid out. Even a Liberal may be able to follow this. @see4 This one is just for you: . .