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  1. Donna Murphy


    ok here are pics, thanks for the help with uploading.. new to this!lol
  2. Donna Murphy


    yeah my point, how do you post pics on this site?
  3. Donna Murphy


    went to check my babies and 2 of them were shrivelled dry an look dead but the other remaining are lookin well an healthy.. i dont understand!!! im using ebb an flow hydro with canna 2 part veg, ph of water is fine also, 600 watt hps lights 24/7.. any body any clue or have had this happen...
  4. Donna Murphy

    Hi Billie, no i dont know a shevs

    Hi Billie, no i dont know a shevs
  5. Donna Murphy

    hydroponic growing

    yeah been looking at them online, looks like the ticket, def going to invest, is my 1st grow merely out of interest so its all a learning curve.. all help is gladly appreciated. thanks
  6. Donna Murphy

    hydroponic growing

    am using 1/4 strength canna aqua, have fans going to, tho have light on 24hrs might cut down to 18 just to see.. ta for ur help
  7. Donna Murphy

    hydroponic growing

    thanks checked my ph, appears to be fine, using testing strips, think i might invest in a digital reader to be on the safeside.. hopefully it straightens out..
  8. Donna Murphy

    hydro watering schedules

    im feeding mine every 4 hours for half an hour... is this to much. current count 12plants under 600hps 24hrs light. plants are 2 weeks old
  9. Donna Murphy

    hydroponic growing

    hi Billy, could well be, going to check it now thanks.
  10. Donna Murphy

    hydroponic growing

    Hi, im new to all this but am currently growing my 1st grow with an ebb an flow system, using canna aqua at 1/4 strength.. some of the plants look great but others look a bit brown an theres a slight curl.. so im perplexed as what to do.. can any one advise me? will post pics soon as poss..