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  1. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, That reminds of another funny thing from when I was a kid. A friends mom got one of those "super high tech" cars that would talk to you and tell you when you left the keys in the ignition or when you left the door open. But it was the 90's so the voice was like a female Stephen...
  2. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, When I was in high school, I used to know a guy who could make his fiddle sound like a donkey or a train, it was funny... His parents paid all this money for him to learn because they had aspirations of him becoming a professional violinist and all he wanted to do was play...
  3. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, I said fiddle, not diddle... LOL
  4. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, Ok, so fiddling while taking notes...
  5. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, Skill and practice = fiddling... LOL
  6. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, Your word play CAPACITY is quite strong...
  7. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, Oops, transition metals, not reactive... I am getting tired...
  8. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabiner, Please speak your mind.
  9. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, I am looking into having my extracts professionally tested, but that's a bit expensive. The test kits on the market are either almost as expensive, give terrible results or in the case of the pocket spectrometers (MyDx and tCheck2) "give close matches" to profiles already in their...
  10. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, Niobium actually, but same class of metals. I prefer titanium myself, but niobium machines a "little" easier and is a "bit" softer when annealed. We did some crazy stuff with reactive metals back in the day. Things that today are considered normal, but back them were cutting edge.
  11. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @Thundercat, The vacuum helps to keep the temps down while lowering the boiling temp and protecting some of the more volatile components of the cannabis oil. If you distill under vacuum you can get similar results, it just takes more fiddling...
  12. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @OPfarmer I am so jealous!!!
  13. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @cannabineer, The process you are referring to is not mine. It is from a patent application I was reading. US20160228787A1 I need to tailor my extraction method to favor CBD. But a lot of this information is being held onto at the moment because it such a money maker, so unless you can get...
  14. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    As far as how all the "big, bad" solvents smell... I keep having issues with chloroform... I smell it and then for some reason I piss myself and pass out. Then I wake up a few moments later in a pool of my own vomit with a headache that won't go away!!! LOL!!! Just kidding... Speaking of...
  15. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    Oops, I means @Thindercat, not @OPfarmer... Sorry about that.
  16. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @OPfarmer, The patent holder probably is holding back details (as well as pulling the videos), because they have gotten word that their patent isn't going to be granted. So they are going to cling to the "patent pending" status as long as possible. They may even file for another similar patent...
  17. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @Fadedawg, As far as the patent goes... The process they seem to be going after is a rather complicated version of what is more commonly known was the "ouzo effect." You know when you add water to ouzo how it turns white? Well this is the "ouzo effect", which is due to the ouzo being an...
  18. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @Thundercat, Nor was I trying to poo on your idea. It is merely a case of available supply verses desired supply... You live in a place where everclear is available, that's the biggest hurdle... No hard feelings...
  19. Chris Edward

    Minimum Alcohol % Needed to Dissolve Cannabinoids

    @OPfarmer, I was merely saying how the Source Turbo is a high tech version of the Flower Tower. That's awesome that you can monitor the entire process, every step of the way, from your phone. I am envious... Your yield is probably much better because of the vacuum in the Source Turbo, which...
  20. Chris Edward

    Hydroton, Baking to Sterilize?

    @vostok, I envy your ability to be so carefree... I could never do that. I am such a control freak, I have to measure everything out or else it drives me nuts. That's probably why it takes me so long to get anything done...