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  1. smokinguns

    cash crop strains

    Nirvanna AK 48 finishes in 5 weeks. Nice sized buds, covered in trichs.
  2. smokinguns

    can the same ballast be used for HPS & MH bulbs (of the same wattage)

    I've got a 400 watt metal halide ballast I will use a 400 hps converseration bulb in. Check it out.
  3. smokinguns

    AMA Finally Gets It!

    Here's a thought. Take two test subjects, place them in seperate rooms and have one take shots and the other smoke. Then, subject each of them to a series of test much like the ones we have all seen on the effects of booze. Have them read, stand, balance, drive and so on. I think the results...
  4. smokinguns

    AMA Finally Gets It!

    Perhaps sooner than later all the closet smokers can come out and admit they are tokers and have been for years. Seems I know more people that smoke than don't. And, the ones that don't smoke, they would but can't because of random testing at thier jobs. I'm thinkijng the averages on who smokes...
  5. smokinguns

    AMA Finally Gets It!

    Talked to a few Dr. friends of mine and they knew this was coming. They also told me this will free the way for the AMA to begin clinical trials for the use of Marijuana for cancer paients, which is exactly why this information is being released.
  6. smokinguns

    51 days into flowering....alot of leaves are dying... why? (pictures)

    Nute burn for sure. Been there done that. Sometime you can overdose on nutes even when you follow the directions. Get a good ec meter to prevent that from happing next time. You need to flush those with plain ph corrected h20.
  7. smokinguns

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    4 plants under my 400. Here is a little bud off of one plant. Got another palnt that has 5 of these little colas. Don't know what I did right, jut hope I can repeat.:leaf:
  8. smokinguns

    A new Michigan patient here to say high!

    Welcome aboard. Good luck with your first grow. You shoulf get much help and advice here.
  9. smokinguns

    Hey h8red1. Got a pic posted now of a nice size bud. Check it out

    Hey h8red1. Got a pic posted now of a nice size bud. Check it out
  10. smokinguns

    HOw much can a400 YIELD ...need ur OPIONION

    Those are looking great bro. Iv'e got some really big buds going under a 400 hps. I had 4 plants, chopped one already and got a good zip. I think I actually chopped the biger buds off her to early. That won't happen again since I got a 30x scope. I got two different strains so they are maturing...
  11. smokinguns

    Mixing Rockwool and Soil

    Yep, dnoe that, been there. Works just fine. Also used plugs right out of my cloning tray.
  12. smokinguns

    AMA to announce new marijuana study

    I'v'e got a friend who is a PA and her friend a MD who have pretty reliable sources telling them the AMA is going to soon start a 3 year clinincial study on cannibis use in cancer patients. Both the PA and MD are daily tokers. The MD is actually a respartory Dr. Smoking has never affected her...
  13. smokinguns

    Area/state grower threads

    I would agree. It would be a foolish thing.
  14. smokinguns

    Favorite Thing To Do While High

    Smoke-Trim Bud, repeat over and over again.
  15. smokinguns

    I love the Z06. So much bang for the buck. What mods have you done to your's? I was trying to...

    I love the Z06. So much bang for the buck. What mods have you done to your's? I was trying to find a way to post a pic but can't find it.
  16. smokinguns

    Never Seen Anything Like IT...

    That's really crazy looking. You may be onto something. Keep us posted.