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  1. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    Were all gonna get along just fine. lol
  2. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    It's dumping here, just in time for me to walk down and pick up my daughter from school. Has anyone looked at the mud/grass situation there? Are we gonna have a mud fest or have grass sprouted from last rain?
  3. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    Forgot to post the pic, lol to busy and high with 6 month old screaming bloody murder
  4. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    Not sure if I can get there that fast/early, but will try. here's 2 batches of rolls waiting to go in oven. Made one batch larger than the other for those than want to make sandwiches with them. Can't wait to get there and meet everyone. Gonna be Great.
  5. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    maybe by 8 at the earliest.
  6. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    Oh and I should be there around 9am sat.
  7. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    I have some I can bring. Hows weather atm up there. power just went out a few min ago due to the wind here
  8. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    I will make at least 2 then. If I have time I'll make 3 just so everyone can take some home if they want. We will see how Thursday goes with son since my 6 month old dictates my work schedule. Here's a pic of my batch for thanksgiving before they went in the oven. About double the size when cooked.
  9. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    I'm gonna make 2-3 batches of homemade rolls. each batch is about 18 rolls so what do you all think 2 or 3 batches?
  10. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Update on my 4 early's that I'm vegging under T5 lights as well as the sun depending on weather. There about a week into there hempbucket and rebounding nicely after the transplant hopefully next week i will start the mainline training. These will be put outside to flower at the end of Jan and...
  11. Shelby420

    getawaymountain 2014 outdoor

    Wish I had enough room for a STARTER greenhouse like yours. lol My starters are in a 30"x50" cab, lol
  12. Shelby420

    Gb 2014

    I would love to try the CP in a hempbucket for my winter/early harvest.
  13. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

  14. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I got my babies in there hemp bucket. I started them in coco from seed about 3 weeks ago. There root system was excellent and cant wait to start the mainline training then put outside to flower. The sick one at the end I'm hoping will recover soon. Not sure what problem is since the 3 others...
  15. Shelby420

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    Take acidophilus pills whenever you take antibiotics. Will help keep your stomach healthy.
  16. Shelby420

    After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

    And as I stated before I'll bring my 10x10 easy up with sides. We bought it for camping in the rain.
  17. Shelby420

    Gb 2014

    Enjoying a Great Beer, complimented with some excellent GSC bubble hash to start the evening.
  18. Shelby420

    getawaymountain 2014 outdoor

    real sorry to hear its reached this point.thought are with you and family.